The Legend Of Zelda: The Soul-Halves Between Dimensions

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Hello Dear Audience, I'm kind of a newbie in the wattpad here, just recently got my Gerudo Pass in here :3.

And I've discovered this place only recently when a friend recommended it. So hopefully you will all help me out with cheerful likes, comments, suggestive criticism, following and reviews . No flames or critics please.

This Is A Legend Of Zelda Fanfic, Specifically, Majora's Mask. Although I May Add Some OoT Here, And Some TP or WW And Maybe SS There Occasionally. Also, The Rating Is Not The One I Would Give It, But Oh Well, And This character Is An OC Of My own. The Rest Is All Nintendo's, Shigeru Myamoto's, Andrew Hussie's, Or Reki Kawahara's Property. So All Rights Reserved.

P.S. "Rinku" is "Link" in Japanese. You will understand the reason to it later on. Enjoy!!!

- Courage's Pet.


One day was all it took to change my life forever. It started simple enough, a normal Saturday school class for a normal fourteen year-old guy like me, I guess. Except that I'm not really sure I'm normal, at least for others' standards, I have a knack for reading, interpreting, and writing ancient languages, though Hylian and Terminian probably come to my head easier, like a second language I guess, and have a higher than average proficiency at kendo. My teacher says I am probably a master in dual-sword wielding by now. So I'm probably not as normal as I seem, so I get bullied often, but I tend not to beat them an inch from their lives most of the time, despite my teachers' advice or warnings, so I'm kind of the reject in school and society, which gets me a lot into depression and makes me wonder sometimes about my true meaning in life as I ruffle my black hair and glance at the sky with my deep green eyes. Anyway, I'm getting off the point, that day, as usual as it can get for an outcast such as myself, I was strolling in the school's back entrance, it was still quite early and the moon was still visible. Wondering if I ever had a role to play in this ridiculous place I call my world.

When suddenly, I saw something catch my eye, a small sphere of cerulean blue whisked out of the corner of my eye and smacked me to the ground, dazed, I raise my head, shrug it off and try to identify what knocked me down. At first it looked like a puffy, blue and bright fluttering bug, but up close it kind of looked like...... Oh no...........

"Hey!" it yelled, I yelped in surprise as this unknown... thing spoke to me. "Hey, are you listening? Hey, where am I?" it pestered, though its voice seemed feminine in a way. "Huh?" "Oh good, at least you speak some Hylian." Then I realized I had started speaking the language subconsciously. "Who are you, WAIT, what are you?" I ask curiously. "Never seen a fairy before?Hmm, guess this place is weirder than I thought. Anyway, where are we?" it asked defiantly. I sighed and shook my head. "Boston, Massachusetts, the U.S, But what is a fairy doing here? You aren't supposed to exist!" I exclaimed in wonder, maybe I'm hallucinating, probably all those concussions are finally affecting me. I sighed again, but then I saw the self-proclaimed 'fairy' flutter away from me. " Wait! Where are you going, what's you're name?" I asked. The fairy turned, seeing her glowing feminine petite blue body bathed by the dawn. " My name is Navi, and I think I just found my hero" she said shyly, I kinda blushed a bit, realizing it was a girl, and due to previous experiences, this was not gonna go well. "What are you doing, staring at me like that, are you gonna kiss me?" I blushed deeper and looked away. "Anyway, what is it you said about me, something about a 'Hero'?" I asked, scratching my head shyly. "Indeed, I need someone like you to help me in my dimension, but first, do you have a sword or something to defend yourself with, don't tell me this world is so weird you don't have a sword, right?" she berated irritably. "Uh, well, normally any sane person most probably wouldn't, but I happen to train a lot with my own blades at kendo. but they are in the class shed, luckily I have a key for it." Pulling it out of one of my pant's many pockets, I have an almost irresistible urge to pose as I hold out the key, but decide against it, thinking it would look ridiculous. Where did that crazy idea come from? I thought. Maybe I truly have gone insane.

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