|24| Error of Judgement.

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The term Sangeet is Sanskrit, which when translated into English means "as sung together." The Sangeet ceremony takes place a day before the wedding ceremony. In the old days, the Sangeet was reserved for women only, but these days the trend has changed and the couples are seen to be having a Sangeet together that includes both women and men. This ceremony is a time for celebrating, singing, dancing and joking and is a perfect time for wedding guests to meet and get to know each other. The Sangeet can also include some good-natured teasing of the couple's soon-to-be in-laws.

Anishka and Virag's Sangeet was organised in the same way. It was an unified one. Both Anishka and Virag were okay with it until they got to know that they would have to dance together. Anishka was a non-dancer and as everyone already knew, Virag was a very good dancer. Anishka feared it that Virag will outdo her and she will end up making fun of herself. Vivek, being the sweet person he is, came to her rescue. He agreed to help his sister. He would teach her the basic dance steps.

It would be a couple dance. A proper Bollywood romantic number. Anishka and Vivek were in one room while Virag and Ashleesha alongwith Shruthi and Ragini were in the other. It would be Vivek's and Ashleesha's choreography.  Vivek was teaching his sister a few dance steps. Anishka was getting a bit confused with it

"It's simple Nish. Hold on to my finger and rotate." Vivek instructed her.

"Okay." Anishka nodded. She was unsure about it. They've tried doing that step three times till now. Anishka got it wrong all the three times.

Miraculously for Anishka, she got it right this time. She was overjoyed. She jumped around the room, celebrating her small win.

Virag was in the next room. He could clearly hear the squeals of Anishka.

"Why is she squealing?" Ashleesha asked. She heard it too.

"She's our drama queen." Ragini shrugged.

"You guys! You stay here. I will go and check up on her once." Virag said. He was worried. What if she got hurt while practising!

"Virrr. Stay. She will be fine. Vivek is there. He loves her too much to hurt her." Ragini stated.

Virag stiffened on hearing what Ragini said. Vivek loved Anishka. Ofcourse he did. He considers her as his own sister. Virag smiled. It was silly of him to take it the other way even if it be for a minute. However, Ashleesha was quick enough to catch Virag's uneasiness when he heard Ragini saying that Vivek loves Anishka. Maybe she could try to bring in a distance between Virag and Anishka. Afterall, Anishka never really loved Virag. Neither did Virag loved her. It was Ashleesha who loved him like crazy. What Ashleesha didn't know about was their changing equation. Unknowingly, she was about to commit one such mistake which she was going to regret later on.

"Virag, can I talk to you about something?" Ashleesha asked.

Virag nodded.

"Not here. Ragini, can you excuse us for a minute?" Ashleesha asked Ragini, giving her a sickly sweet smile. Ragini knew that something was fishy with her. But, she didn't object. She went out of the room alongwith Shruthi who followed suit.

"So what is it Ashleesha?" Virag asked the moment Ragini and Shruthi went out.

Ashleesha took her sweet time as she sexily walked towards Virag. If Ashleesha would not have been Anishka's friend, he would have straightly said that she was trying to seduce him. The moment she reached near him, she put her arms around his neck like a garland. Virag immediately jerked her hands off him.

"I will be your saali. Your adhi-gharwali. Don't I have any right on you?" Ashleesha pouted. Virag grimaced on seeing her antics. He didn't found it cute. He only find Anishka's antics as cute.

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