|43| Messed up.

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Anishka tried to stay as far as possible from her husband; she was hurt that Virag could think of her to be capable of killing a baby. He might still love Ritika and her health might be his prime importance but accusing her of a homicide is not acceptable. Is that what he learnt about her after more than five months of their marriage?

Though Anishka would serve him food and pack lunch, she never dared to look at him. Even Ritika seemed to be giving cold treatment to him. It killed her seeing him dull but it's nothing to what she felt after hearing his words.

One evening when Virag was early from his practice, the three of them gathered to watch a film that was being aired on TV with Virag sitting between the two of them.

"I want to eat Chicken" Ritika announced while watching a scene in the film where the lead actress is shown fond of Chicken.

"Now?" Anishka asked surprised by her sudden craving. Of course, she heard about pregnancy cravings but they live in the outskirts with no KFC or Pizza Hut and she didn't know how to cook non-veg.

Ritika nodded with a pout.

"We have to go out then" Anishka said with a frown.

"We are not going anywhere" Virag declared before turning to Ritika. "It's not good to eat food from outside. I will cook for you tomorrow since it's already late today"

Anishka's heart sank hearing his words. He is going to cook for Ritika when he never did that for her. No doubt he is still in love with her.

She remembered what he told her, a few weeks ago 'Why'd you think I'd cook for you?' and felt extremely sad. She has to cook only for herself tomorrow then.

When Ritika nodded happily, Virag turned his attention back to TV. Although, Anishka is a vegetarian, he could make Shahi paneer for her too in the meantime because he realized that it to be the best way to say sorry to her. Next time may be, he could even take her to Paradise.

When Virag came home the next day, he was excited to cook after a long time. His mother taught him how to cook when he was in college saying it will help his wife in the future. Though he was irritated in the beginning, he slowly began to enjoy it.

Even if it takes a lot of time to prepare biryani, he opted for it as Anishka loves it and of course Ritika too.

Seeing Virag in excitement brought a sad smile on Anishka's face; he was really enjoying cooking for Ritika. Though her heart clenched, she loved seeing him in good spirits.

When it was nearing eight, she had dinner, alone at the dining table since Virag was busy in the kitchen and Ritika was in her room. She was about to get up from the dining table when her mobile rang. She quickly washed her hands and took the call.

"Hi drama queen" Hearing Shruthi's cheery voice lifted her mood instantly.

She sighed with a smile "So, you finally decided to call me?"

She chuckled "Yeah. I thought I should bring an end to your suffering"

Hearing her tease her made her chuckle "So, how are you?"

"Everything's good. I am surrounded by beautiful American men here"

"Oh, really? How lucky they must be?" she said sarcastically.

"That they are" she replied arrogantly.

"Ha Ha. Shut up now. Else, they will give you what you deserve"

"Which is?" She prompted.

"A kick in the----"

"Ok Ok.. Stop there. I really don't want to know"

"Good. Behave like a woman" she advised.

"I always do. You know that" she replied in a childish tone.

"Yeah yeah. You do" she agreed.

Truth is, she does. Any man will be lucky to have her as her his wife as she is the kind of woman everyone dreams of.

As they continued talking, Anishka lost track of time talking about her office, her roommates and life at US. It wasn't until Virag came to balcony, she realized it's getting late.

Virag was wounded seeing the smile on her face turn to a frown seeing him. It must be one of her best friends she was talking to since she looked very happy. At times like this, he feels he is not good enough for her; after all, he can't compete with the people like her best friends.

"Yeah, what?" Anishka asked in an impassive tone, closing the microphone of her mobile so that Shruthi can't hear them.

"Let's have dinner" he muttered, observing the phone in her hand.

Anishka's mouth dried. He was expecting her to join them? But, she thought---

"What happened?" he asked calmly, seeing her eyes widen.

"I already had dinner" she said slowly.

He frowned "What? When?"

"Just a few minutes back" she mumbled, feeling stupid.

"Why? I mean I told that---"

"I didn't know you were cooking for me" she replied guiltily.

"Why would you think that?" Remember you didn't tell her that you will cook for her.

"Um... I--- um" she stuttered, words failing her.

"What is it? Why did you think I won't cook for you?" He asked, looking at her incredulously.

"Because.. you said.. um.. you won't... um"

For a minute, Virag was clueless about what she was saying. In a flash, he remembered what he told her long back. But, he didn't mean it that way.

"So.. You won't have?" he finally asked, feeling upset.

She shook her head making him leave her. She felt guilty seeing him like that. Truth is she didn't know he would cook for her. It was her mistake; she should have asked him about it.

Remember you were not talking to him, her mind retorted.

Virag felt disappointed with the way his relationship with Anishka was turning out. Instead of progressing, they are having fights and misunderstandings and he wished he knew what to do about it.

He loved her. Simple.

He wanted to spend every waking minute of his life with her. He wanted to see her smile and be happy. He wanted them to have a fresh start. But, he didn't know how.

When Anishka entered the living half an hour later, she found Virag and Ritika keenly watching a movie with their empty plates on the teepoy. Seeing the two of them like a couple saddened her; they looked so good together.

She quietly took their plates and dumped them in the kitchen sink.

Ever since Ritika arrived, Virag was in good spirits. She saw him happy and she wanted him to stay like that, forever. But for that to happen, she has to leave his life so that he can have a fresh beginning with Ritika.

Is that even possible? Can she do that?

Is she capable of leaving Virag for his happiness?

He deserved everything. He is a very good man. It's her mistake bringing him into this hell knowing he loved Ritika. Now, it's her duty to correct it.

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