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On Monday, Felix went into school early. Adrien didn't understand why his brother wanted to go to school early but he shrugged it off.

Once Felix arrived, he went over to a boy sitting in a corner. "Pssst," Felix whispered to the boy.

"What is it, Felix?" The boy looked up to meet eye to eye with Felix's jade green eyes.

"Wouldn't you like up to team up with me, redhead?" Felix smirked as the redhead looked at him in confusion.

"Team up with you for what?" The boy tilted his head to the side and continued drawing on his sketchpad.

"To get your crush back. So you can date her!" Felix exclaimed to the boy.

"Listen, I gave up on trying to get Marinette back from Adrien-" The redhead was interrupted by Felix.

"But two of us can go up against Adrien. Two is always better than one! Here- I'll make you a deal with you, I'll get you five hundred Prisma colors if you help me get Marinette back," Felix explained and then took a breath.

"Is that a deal," He then paused to look over at the redhead listening intently.

"Nathaniel?" Felix smirked when he said his name. Felix held his hand out to Nathaniel, to see if he would shake it to make a deal with him.

The redhead hesitated to answer. He was at desperate need for art supplies, but would he really be willing to help out someone he barely knew? Even when he's at risk of being enemies with his crush?

Nathaniel narrowed his eyes at Felix. "You promise you'll get me art supplies?" Felix nodded with a smirk on his face.

Nathaniel hesitated for the last time. He looked at Felix in the eye and shook his hand. "Deal."

"Perfect." Felix wrapped an arm around Nathaniel. "I'm sure my plan will work now."
Adrien walked into class right when the bell rang. When he sat down, Marinette rushed into class to sit down also.

"Marinette, why are you late again?" Ms. Bustier raised an eyebrow at Marinette.

"I- uh- slept in- um- I- actually-" Marinette tried making an excuse but failed miserably.

"Your counted tardy then. Go sit down now-" Ms. Bustier was interrupted by Adrien.

"Actually, she was doing her homework last night with me and we stayed up until two a.m, so she slept in." Adrien explained to Ms. Bustier.

"Hmm, alright then. I'll count that as an excuse." Ms. Bustier wrote down what Adrien said as Marinette's excuse.

"Thank you, Kitty." Marinette smiled to Adrien as Adrien blushed.

"Your welcome, M'Lady." Adrien was flattered by his lady thanking him.

Adrien turned back around once Ms. Bustier started teaching the class. He then heard whispering from behind him and he turned around again.

Chloé was glaring at Marinette and Marinette was trying to ignore her by talking to Alya. Alya listened to what Marinette was saying, but Alya glared at Chloé.

Adrien then started to glare at Chloé and when Chloé saw him, she blew him a kiss and he just gave her a thumbs down. Chloé glared at Adrien and let out a 'hmph' and looked away from him.

Adrien took in a deep breath. What else could go wrong today anyways?

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