T h r e e

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The following morning, Adrien and Felix had to go to school. Felix was already up and dressed way before Adrien was, ready to go.

"Whoa, Felix." Adrien shook his head in disbelief. "It's only six a.m. We don't leave the house until eight fifteen."

Felix just shrugged and sat in the corner of the room, reading a book. His school back in America started at seven thirty. Maybe that was because he was in a private school.

Felix went downstairs to see his father in the kitchen. "Hello, Father," Felix bowed down in respect.

"Oh, Felix, you don't have to bow down to me." Mr. Agreste seemed surprised in his son's actions.

Flashback ->>>

"Daddy! Daddy! Watch this!" A young blond boy ran up to his father with a red bouncy ball.

"Be careful with that, Felix," The father who was Mr. Agreste warned his son.

"Don't worry about me, Daddy," Felix stood proudly. "Just watch what I can do!" He then exclaimed.

Mr. Agreste glanced over at the beautiful woman sitting next to him with a baby. "Are you alright, babe?"

"Of course, Gabriel," The woman replied with a smile. "Adrien is doing just fine. He's asleep, that's all."

Mr. Agreste nodded in understanding and watched Felix. Felix met eye contact with his father and bounced the ball up into the sky.

Felix looked up in the sky, running around seeing where it would land. Guessing it would land on the sidewalk. Instead, it landed right next to him in the street and bounced off onto the other sidewalk across from him.

Felix looked back at his parents. They were just talking, now was his chance to run for it. Although, he heard a honk and saw a truck. His parents weren't watching him, so Felix sprinted for it.

The truck honked for him to get out of the way. Felix still thought he could make it. The truck couldn't stop. Felix was out of breath once he reached the middle of the street.

Felix stared at the truck barreling towards him in horror. There was nothing he could do now.

"NO!" Mr. Agreste ran towards his son, but it was too late. The truck had hit him and somehow carried him away too.

Mr. Agreste was stunned. He dropped to his knees. "What have I done? I'm such a terrible father..."

Back To The Present ->>>

"Felix!" Felix snapped out of what happened in his childhood.

"Felix!" That was Adrien yelling at him. Felix turned towards his younger brother.

"Come on, it's already seven forty five!" Felix noticed Adrien was getting irritated with him.

Felix nodded in understanding and followed Adrien out of the door. They headed into the limo that waited for them and drove off to school.

Someone opened the doors for the two once they arrived. Felix could hear people all around him whispering, wondering who he is.

"Everybody," Adrien announced loud enough for everyone to hear. "This," he pointed to Felix. "Is my brother- Felix."

People walked up to Felix and shook hands with him and Felix got to talk to several people. He met Sabrina, Juelka, Rose, Melyené, Ivan, Kim, Max, Nathaniel, and Alix.

The bell for school to start then rang. Soon enough, Felix sat in his homeroom next to Adrien. Adrien still sat next to Nino, in which, Felix was fine with. He just sat on the other side of Adrien.

Then, Felix looked around the room to see someone he recognized. And he found out her name too.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

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