A Flower of Love blooms slowly...

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Yoongi never wanted to be the heir to a kingdom. He was perfectly fine hiding in his room and writing things that will never reach anyone’s eyes, not even the maid. He hated having to dress up in those fancy clothes and be polite to people who thought they were superior to the world. He hated the cold look his parents would give to the citizens of their kingdom and treat them like dirt. He wanted nothing of it. What he wanted to do was go outside, and see the town without seeing the fear of him in others eyes. He wanted to go to that stupid flower shop he’s heard about that sells flowers as bright as the owner. He wants to go to that bakery that maids say have the most amazing breads.

He wants to make real friends.

But his parents would definitely frown upon all those things.

A prince is professional and proper Yoongi, no time for free time. We must do what is right for the kingdom Yoongi and remember, you are above them. Yoongi thought bitterly in his head as he walked to the kitchens to grab a snack. He’s thought about sneaking out but the palace was way too guarded.

But now that he thinks about it, Yoongi’s never one to give up. He looked out the window grinning at the closed gate.

Challenge accepted. See you on the other side freedom.

That’s how Yoongi ended up climbing out of his 3rd story window into a half dead tree with a flashlight in his mouth and a black cloak covering his tiny frame at 3 in the morning. He put on his most normal suited clothes and left his crown in his room. He didn’t need any royalty stuff on his taste of freedom. Yoongi did keep the thin gold necklace with the family crest and tiny white feather on though. It was a gift from Namjoon, the palace’s records keeper. Once he was down the tree he darted his way to the gate glancing around. Good, a break in the guard routine. Yoongi thought as he grinned and slipped through the bars of the gate running down the stony path leading to the palace.

Hello freedom. Yoongi thought smiling as he walked to the village.


It started to rain when Yoongi finally made it on the main road of the Village. He put the hood of his cloak up and was walking slowly just admiring something that wasn’t fancy and stone walls. He realized most of the places he wanted to go to were closed and he frowned realizing he didn’t have a place to sleep. He walked aimlessly for a while looking for shelter when he saw a light still on at a shop called ‘Jihope’s flowers’. Yoongi walked over and peeked through the window seeing a handsome man with dark brown hair sweeping the floor. The man looked up and locked eyes with Yoongi and frowned. Yoongi froze, what if he recognized him? What if the guys mad he looked through the window?

The boy opened the door and poked his head out smiling a bit. “hello are you lost? It’s a bit late and wet to be walking around tonight.”

Yoongi looked at him confused, why wasn’t he angry? Noticing he still didn’t reply he stuttered out a weak “Y-yes”

The guy smiled more and opened the door wider letting him slip inside. “let's get you dried up and warmed up, I don’t know how you got trapped in the rain this late at night, but it’s a good thing I didn’t turn out the lights yet. Oh yeah, I’m Hoseok. I own this store with my friend Jimin.” Hoseok explained to him walking to another door in the store. He opened it to another room and called into it for a towel and some hot chocolate. A higher pitched and softer voice replied with an ok before Hoseok slowly shut the door again.

“So, do you have a name? Sorry, I tend to talk a lot.” Hoseok told him and Yoongi gave him a shy gummy smile.

“It’s ok, it’s nice hearing others talk. My name is um...Suga. I’m new to town and got a little lost. I’ve been wandering around for a while and then it suddenly rained.” Yoongi said lying about his name. He didn’t want Hoseok to realize he was prince Yoongi as he slipped off his cloak.

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