Chapter Four - A Boring Sweet Morning with Family

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7 years later

Reigna is Pronounced Rain - a

I wake to the bright sun shimmering through the windows while repeatedly hit on the back with a pillow.

"Wake up!"

"Uhg noooooo, it's Saturday." I groan lightly

"But it's almost lunchtime!" Reigna pleads playfully as she tugs at my shirt

"Another hour?" I ask trying to negotiate with the adorable little monster on my back

"That's what you said three hours ago, mom!" Reigna  states reasonably "When I tried to wake you up for breakfast."

"Fine," I mumble as she gets off my back allowing me to sit up.

I come face to face with her beautiful storm blue eyes that most certainly have so much activity in them. Her brown hair resting lightly on her shoulders while her bangs hang just above her eyebrows.

"How is my little warrior this morning?" I ask happily brushing her hair behind her ears

"Hungry." She giggles gleefully bouncing a little in her very tomboyish outfit. Jeans, Olive Green zip-up hoodie and a black t-shirt. She was never one for dresses.

"Well, I guess we can go eat." I tease bopping her lovely soft nose before standing up and throw a blue and black plaid over my grey tank top and pull on some denim shorts over my underwear before turning back towards my beautiful daughter "Ready?"

"Yep," Reigna says cutely popping the 'p' as she jumps off the bed and opens the door and rushes out as I follow closely behind her.

Running down the bright warm hallway we dash down two the stairs joyfully yet proudly as we enter the beach view dining room filled with happy pack members eating their lunch and chat with those at their table.

Holding Regina's small warm toned hand we walk up to the food table where Macaroni, Brussel sprouts and fruit salad is being served up. I take in the delightful smell as we each grab a plate and walk up to the first server.

"Good Afternoon Sarisha," I say please to one of our pack members her light blonde hair tied into a ponytail glimmering in the sun.

"Good afternoon Sammi and Rei." She says sweetly flashing offer her perfect smile as she puts some Macaroni and beef mince on each of our plates before we walk up to the next serving station.

"Good morning Beta Samantha and Young Beta Reigna," Castor says looking at us warmly with his green eyes as he puts some Brussel sprouts and a bowl of fruit salad on our plates. He has always had a habit of always being formal even when unnecessary.

"Afternoon Castor," I reply

Walking away with Reigna through the bubbly dining area we stride outside to eat with our family outside on the deck and find Kassidy, Kent, his wife and mate Taya their children Austin, Gabriella and Thomas and my adopted sons Elliot and Aiden already outside eating. 

"Afternoon," I add cheerfully taking my seat as Reigna skips away to go sit with Gabriella and Elliot

"Hey, Sam nice sleep?" Kent teases

"Yes, did you have a nice meeting this morning?" I ask smirking at him with a hand on my hip slightly to the side sassily, as he looks down at his plate with a funny frown as Taya just chuckles lightly "Yeah that's what I thought, think four times before you pull something like that my dearest cousin."

"Hmpf" He huffs shoving a  spoonful of macaroni into his mouth as his loving mate just chuckles at him while patting his shoulder.

"So anything coming up?"

"Yep, we're hosting the North-Western Territory Anual Werewolf Treaty Act Anniversary this year." Kent states cheerfully "Which I need your help to plan since you're the expert at planning such fabulous parties."

"Oh... Well, that's awesome it's such an honour to be able to host the party out of the many packs in the North Western territory of America a younger age." I say fakely happy every other year I've been able to avoid the party. Even though it's a magnificent sight I don't go because they will be there. But now there's no way to avoid it. They have no clue I'm here mostly because my parents are dumb and would honestly have no clue where to look and my Aunt and Uncle are smart and wouldn't dream of telling anyone from my last pack.

"I know Taya and I are quite excited."

"Well, I'm sure the pack will be very determined to make it the party of the century," I say slyly a great Idea forming in my head. "Beach party, dinner and a show, surfing competitions, activities a cool theme, hmm so many things to plan..."

"Well you can start getting to work on  that with your little group of friends," Kent says

"Our group Kent don't think for one minute you're going to get out of helping set this up." Kassidy snaps back at her big brother.

"Can we help plan it, Auntie Sammi? Little Eight-year-old Thomas asks.

"Yeah, can we?" Aiden asks slightly bouncing in his seat.

"With somethings yes, of course." I smile brightly at them

"Yay!" Gabbi gurgles as she pretty much jumps up and down in her seat

"So anything else of importance?" I ask curiously

"Yeah tons." Kent exaggerates gesturing with his arms on how big he thinks it is as the cool welcoming ocean breeze blows through us "There are more rogues than last year, Normal Hunters are hunting more because of it, There are very few Werewolf Hunters left which in all honesty is surprising, umm, In The south-west Territory The Blood Scar pack and The Stone Soul pack are still in an all-out war and surrounding packs like the Clover Pack are having to start getting involved, but yeah biggest problem are the rogues and their murderous behaviors at the moment."

"Ah. Umm, so that means we should probably be more wary of the borders, check for any weakness. make sure the Patrols aren't slacking off." I say thinking deeply about this turning the family lunch into a Pack discussion "Plan strategies and so on."

"Yep, I'll inform Gamma Hayden, Delta Harrison, the patrol and the warriors." Kent continues as he ploughs through the rest of his food "I'll take care of that for now and you organize the party."

"Yes, Alpha Kent."

"Is the discussion of politics over yet?" Kassidy grumbles "I want to talk about something interesting with my family members around my age or actually, in general, do something Interesting with them for once."

"Like what?"

"Go to a club, a party, relax, chill, surf." Kassidy lists impatiently "Anything but discussing pack business!"

"Well, you can help me plan the party..." I suggest

"Or we can go out and do something with each other, we haven't been shopping for ages it feels like." Kassidy exaggerates delicately placing the back of her hand on her forehead as if she'll faint any millisecond.

"Sure, we could go later tonight maybe. I could do with some new clothes mine are being worn out..." 

"I totally haven't noticed," Kassidy says lightly sarcasm laced through her words "And I also haven't noticed that some of your clothes are so last two years ago either."

"Hey!" I protest as the kids lightly giggle at us as well as Luna Taya "I am just not much of a shopper."

"I haven't noticed."

"Anyway," I huff in annoyance at Kassy "I was thinking about going down to the beach spend some time with the kids."

"Yeah, that'd be nice," Taya speaks quietly as I kinda jump in surprise. Taya is shy and doesn't usually talk, past trama's had persuaded her into a world of silence until she met Kent or so the tale goes.

"Great, maybe while the kids play us expert party planners can brainstorm ideas," I say raising one eyebrow while Kassidy smiles in response while Taya giggles like a shy anime fangirl.

Life After My Rejection (Under Going Major Editing as of 7th of February 2018)Where stories live. Discover now