Chapter Three - Meeting

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Sammi's POV

A place enters my mind, where I can meet up with the pack. Not too isolated but not overwhelming with people. A park in a neighborhood with a forest just across the way. My mind creates a map to the park as I take a left turn a drive on the most direct route to the park I'd go to when our pack would occasionally visit but we haven't visited in years.

I turn the engine off as soon as I'm done parking before stepping out and heading toward the small playground complete with a swing set. Sitting in the swing I rock back and forth and wait. I know they have a rough idea where I am but they're waiting too. They're waiting for their Alpha to make a decision.

After a few minutes, I get impatient and try to distract myself with something else. Food?

Nope if I think of food I'll be even more hungry than I already am.

The Stars?

Why? They're beautiful and fun to gaze upon but I'm not an astronomer I hardly know anything about them to have a long think about them.


No, no, no. Don't think of him.

Other life forms living in this Galaxy?

I mean we couldn't be the only living things in this Galaxy, could we?

What if I'm not allowed in Kent's pack?

Don't be stupid he's my cousin twice removed or something crazy like that. He's related to me that's all I know and we're good friends anyway. 

I wonder what Marlene's having for dinner... Chicken Alfredo, black Thai pepper beef, enchiladas, sushi, Shepard's Pie maybe?

The breeze gently blows against my face making chills run up my spine. But I also catch the whiff of other werewolves.

"About time." I lightly mutter to myself just as I hear rustling and the crunching of delicate leaves from the foliage ahead.

Kent confidently walks out in that cliche stereotypical walk that Alpha's do when they want to look scary, in charge and heroic. His hair combed nicely to the side, you can tell he had a formal meeting to attend... He hates combing his hair. His mom probably forced him to be honest, he'd have no problem attending a formal dress meeting in casual clothes. 

"Sammi?" Kent asks taken back, realizing it's me

"Hey, Kent." I reply awkwardly "How are you."

"Um good." He says weirdly obviously this is an awkward situation for the both of this "How are you and why are you here, even though it is great to see you." 

"Um I'm terrible which is why I am here."

"Oh did you and your mom have a terrible fight again?"

"No worse..." I say trying to keep myself composed as much as possible as he walks over and childishly sits in the swing next to me.

"An argument with Kody so you came here looking for comfort from your darling cousin?" Kody says being sympathetic yet trying to cheer me up with his big ego.

"Yes to both of those questions but still worse."

"You had a fight with did Kody cheat on you!" Kent gasps in shock

"Not really... But equally painful."

"What could be more painful then Kody being bewitched by a slut?"

At the remark, I glare at him "He was bewitched by a very powerful slut but still worse."

He looks deep and long into my eyes. His face pales and I know he's found my pain.

"Oh, Sam." He mutters apologetically, wrapping me in a warm hug as my composure falls and I start to cry. "My poor, poor baby cousin. How could he do that to you, he loved you from what I remember."

"He wanted a more powerful Luna who is the heir of the 'Red Dawn Pack' that's what and it's a bonus to him that she's beautiful and strong too," I say through my sobs as I clutch onto him for what it seems like dear life.

"Well she maybe those things, but so are you. You're the cousin of an Alpha, you're strong, beautiful and have a priceless and gorgeous personality. If he threw you away someone better will come pick you up." Kent says calmly "I bet it."

"I didn't even get tell him what I wanted to tell him... I'll tell you later about it."

"So I'm guessing you came looking for a place to stay?"


"Alright fine." He sighs playfully "But on one condition. Can you be my Beta, Oswald Wippersnawper moved to Europe with his mate Gwendolyn Halen, soon to be Gwendolyn Wippersawper, I hear."

He sure knows how to get what he wants. Not that I'm complaining by his offer. To be Beta of the Sea Wolves Pack is an extraordinary honour, he just has to make sure the pack will be okay with it. But for the most part they know me pretty well, so I don't see any problems but the one I am currently dreading over.

Life After My Rejection (Under Going Major Editing as of 7th of February 2018)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum