So this is it, My end, our end..

Start from the beginning

    I sighed loudly as I got them off me as they went to their original places on the couch. We looked at one another as we all then contemplated what we were to do.. "Where did Nyquaryn go.." I gently and softly asked. Sylvester shook her head at this, "I don't know, he just got up and left.." she answered. I made a soft 'oh' sound and looked back towards the wall. The pictures that were to be forgotten, this house, to be forgotten.. everything... will be forgotten, we we're just a toy, and now we are destroyed by Them.. They destroyed our world as we had known it is forever lost, like a star in the universe.. gone. Lost. Never to be heard from again. That will be us eventually..

(Luna's POV)

    I woke up a little while later, I groaned softly, still groggy as I sat up, using my elbows to prop myself up. I took my arm and pushed the few strands of my chocolate coloured hair out of my face with my hand. I then rubbed my eyes roughly, getting the rest of the sleepiness out of them. I swung my small feet over the edge of the bed, and out from my warm covers, as I looked out the window, I saw it was softly snowing.. I smiled at all of the snow fall memories I had with Nyquaryn, Schuyler.. Jonathan.. How I'm going to miss him... I stray tear found it's way out of my steel orb as it landed on the exposed skin of my leg. I took my hand and gently wiped it off. I sighed at my thoughts from earlier.. it's all gone, this is our future... death. Why are we even still here, because we're all terrified of death itself. Death, the one thing we will never understand as human being. I put my feet on my plush carpet, noticing the stains of.. brown. My memories of cutting and then the blood dripping on to the floor and creating those stains were embedded deep in to my mind. I shuddered harshly at this, quickly walking to my white door, and twisting the knob, revealing my hallway and the staircase that had lead downstairs to my living room where I heard soft sounds of talking.

    I gently padded me feet downstairs, revealing.. Kareem, Sylvester, and Selena. They were all talking then I realized something then asked, "Where's Nyquaryn." I said it so sweetly anyone from Before wouldn't have recognized the voice as mine. Sylvester looked at me with her forest green and slightly blue eyes. "He just left... I didn't really bother with it, we're all sort of.. upset.. glad to have you back, but you know.. this is our fate.. here.. Our end." she explained. Just as she had finished her sentence, as massive wave of anxiety had hit me. Oh no, what if he gets killed doing whatever he is doing, or was doing, or what if he wanted to commit suicide, what if he's leaving us for good.. my thoughts jumbled around as my hands had started to shake. I growled lowly at this as I clenched my teeth tightly and then started breathing somewhat heavily through them. My anxiety was making it hard to breathe, so many things Nyquaryn could be under, so many things could go wrong in an instant. My vision was starting to get hazy as I didn't really feel all that well. Kareem noticed this because he had jolted up and then held onto me, making sure I didn't fall over as we made it to the bathroom incase I had to puke.. which was honestly a pretty damn accurate scenario at this current point in time.

    I was then gently set down on the soft mat I had in the bathroom. I curled up into a ball, my head pounding, as well as my heart doing the same, a rapid beating, as it rung in my ears. Nyquaryn, what are you doing to me.. what have you done to me, what are you doing.... where are you.. why did you leave.. just who really are you Nyquaryn.. My thoughts were honestly getting to me as I heard a soft choke of a sob or something come from back in the living room. We were all in pain, hurting, why don't we all just walk outside and make a soft noise.. drawing Them to us, so we'd die. It'll end up like that anyways, we'll die from Them, what's even the point in fighting for life anymore. That's when we all heard it... we heard the jingle of the gate opening and closing frantically. All of our breath had hitched, just like it had right before Jonathan had died right in front of us... brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes.... all of them.

    Then the door had opened.. it was now a hallway separating whoever it was and us. I quickly got up out of the bathroom as I sprinted to the corner of the hallway, looking past it as I saw a panting Nyquaryn with fear laced within his body and his face, but mostly his eyes. His panting was gently slowing down now. I sprinted around the corner and I looked up at him, and placed my hands upon his face, cupping it. I looked at him with worry, there was a box in his hand, I didn't care right now about that. I gently asked "What's wrong.. what happened Nyquaryn..?" all he did was shake his head and embrace me tightly. Why did you leave for that time Nyquaryn.. how long were you gone for.. why didn't you answer me. He just hugged me tighter as if he was reading my thoughts or something. I pushed his chest, making him pull away. He sighed, grabbing my wrist as he lead us to the living room. "I.. don't know how to say this Luna.." I feared the worst...

    He turned around to me, letting go of my wrist as he got down on one knee. I was confused. Nyquaryn wouldn't proposing, that's a dumb thing to do with everything now.. in The After. Then... he did.. he pulled out the ring.. it was gold with something engraved in the middle of it where my skin would be touching the ring. On top of it was a ruby with some diamonds encrusted around it, the ruby touching some emeralds, after looking even close.. it was a rose.. how did.. "Nyquaryn how did y-" I was cut off by him. "Don't ask.. but Luna Ann Crevan.. this is dumb to do now, as you probably thought already, but I love you, and I want to die next to you, even if it's practically suicide. You'll be the only thing left in my world that I'll have to live for. Those months you were taken, I was so sad, so scared, I was confused, lost, helpless.. I was like a child without it's mother. I need you in my life. In the Before and The After.." he droned on. My eyes felt as if they would just sprouting tears at any moment, but too late, because they already were. I nodded gently and picked Nyquaryn off his knee and gently stuffed my face in to his chest. Not everything... is ended... our friendship will still be here.. our love will still be here. It will keep us all going in the hell of The After..

(A/N) Well damn. I didn't really know what else to do for this chapter so I had to ask lovely Nyquaryn himself for help, writer's block is such a curse. So.. This is it, the end.. of the after. Our end. My end. I hope you enjoyed reading this.. I enjoyed writing it a lot, and I'll be releasing some x readers and other books for you to read if you're ever bored out of your fucking mind and want to come read my shitty literature.

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