1. Strange Occurances

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(Picture of Ember above)


I am rudely awoken to the shittiest sound known to mankind... the obnoxious ringing of my alarm clock. I groan and lift a tired and nearly limp right hand so it hovers over the alarm clock for a second before forcefully bringing it down on the snooze button.

I retract my arm, saving my energy as I burry it back in the mountain of blankets on top of me once again. I attempt to fall back asleep, not willing to wake up in the slightest, when I remember that I can't sleep in today because it's the first day back at school after winter break. I growl under my breath and slowly begin to roll out of bed... literally.

Before I could move my feet under neath me so I could stand up, I run out of bed and fall in a heap of death onto my cold wood floor. I groan and breath in the dust on my floor as I open my eyes groggily. What a way to start the day...

The light penetrates my pupils and I hiss in pain and hide my head under the comforter that had fallen off my bed with my still not fully awake body. I deliberate if it is worth going to school today, in the end my rational side of my brain won the argument and I cursed at the little angel me that smirks from her spot on my right shoulder.

I slowly rise to my feet. My aching body screaming at me for making it function so early in the morning. I begin to walk my zombified walk out my bedroom door and down the stairs to the kitchen. But before I could make it down the stairs I am met with a surprising sight that has me a little more awake then I'd like to be.

My older brother, Nick, stands by the front door, his back to me.

(Picture of Nick above)

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(Picture of Nick above)

Whose with him is the most surprising. Dylan Parker, the schools bad boy who is feared and admired by all and who is disrespected by none. Along with his two best friends, testicle left and right... I mean Max and Jax Baker the identical twins. They are all part of a gang in which, Dylan is their king.

(Picture of Dylan above)

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(Picture of Dylan above)

(Picture of Dylan above)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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