Chapter 40

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Sorry for keeping you all waiting so long.

Enjoy reading!

I think for a while, should I tell her the truth or should I hide and I hear Zayn speaking.

 “Mom there Is girl named Anna she wants to hurt Parita because she loved a guy who indeed loved loved Parita and not her, while Parita didn’t love him back but Niall! I don’t understand why the heck she doesn’t understand this! And she is even hurting other people those are helping Parita like how she has hurt a guy again his name is Nick. We even don’t know where he is? And How he is!” I don’t believe Zyan said it all to my mom and I just gasp when he says that I loved Niall because that was no more a truth. Niall stares at me when he said that.

My mom looks at me shocked and broken, “why didn’t you tell me! Why didn’t you bother to even give me clue about this my princess. My daughter was in such trouble and I didn’t even bother to get to know whats going on in her life! I have been the selfish of all the mothers!” and she cries.

                “no mother! You have always been the best mom ever, I never wanted you to get worried about me and that’s the reason why I never let you know about this!” I tell and hug her to calm her.

I tell her to stop crying and not worry. And tell her everything from the beginning what all happened since I went London to meet Zayn.

                “So what have you thought of doing next my strong daughter, I can realize how

 strong you been all these time and getting these little kid with you.” She asks me with pride on her face she feels for me and cups Alex’s cheek with her hand when she talks about him. Alex’s smiles back.

                “mom I don’t know but right now we have to search Nick! He is beaten up by Anna!” I tell her remembering of NICK.

            And I feel a buzz again on my phone and take out my cell to see Nick texting me

 Nick: Parita, I’m with Anna. I’m beaten up so badly that I barely could manage to text you.

Me: Nick are you okay? Where are you?

Nick: I can manage texting you but still it hurts.

Mean while my mom calls someone and speaks about what happened with us asking for what we can do next and she hangs the phone.

“Ask him to call you and just keep the phone back in his pocket so that my colleague can trace his location, and if he keeps texting you Anna might catch him doing that we will put him again in trouble” my mom said this to me and I do as she asks me to, I texted Nick to call me so that we trace his location and get him out from Anna’s trap.

And I get a call from Nick and I tell my mom that I got a call from him she immediately calls her colleague  and hangs the phone.

            “Mom whom did you call? Whose helping us?” I ask her with a smile and with a hope that everything was going to get better.

            “Its Mr. Petter the cop. He has been my client since a year and he told me that he can help us anytime we want.” She said.  I must say my moms quite smart at these times.

             “That’s great mom! I hope everything is  going to get all right now.” I tell her and hug her.

“Let’s go to Mr. Peter’s now, he might take us along with him and find Anna.” My mom asks to hurry up.

     “I think Alex, Zayn, Niall, Jeremy and Perrie  should  go.” Liam speaks.

            “Liam I think even you should get along il need you” I say.

Liam holds his arms around my shoulders and smiles.

        “Okay then hop into the car, we should leave.” My mom  says with a smile on her face

We get into the cars, we take two cars to be comfortable. Me, mom, Niall and Alex are in one car and Jeremy, Zayn, Liam and Perrie are in other car. As we reach outside police station Mr. Peter and some of his constable's were waiting for us to arrive and leave to the place where Anna took Nick.

          “Mrs. Panchal , we have traced the location to where the lad Nick is, lets go before he gets more hurt by that evil girl!”

            “Mr. Peter do you think everything will be fine now? What if she harms any of us after we reach there?” mymom  asks out of concern for all of us.

          “Don’t you worry Madame, we will handle the situation. We should get there immediately without any delay.” He says as was tensed to know about Nick, as we had no clue of how he was!

On the way the location i find myself a little sleepy I ask my mom to stop the car for a while and switch my place with Alex who was sitting with Niall at the back. And without saying a word I just lean on Niall’s shoulder and go to sleep.

I must say Anna had not taken Nick to any nearby places it took a long time for us to reach there.

  The cops instructed us to stay alert and follow them and we do as they say. We see a big house ‘OLD HOUSE’ seemed like the house was empty since many years.  The house was a little scary but we started to look for the entrance inside and we get in.

We hear from a room next to the living room we altogether making no sound of our footsteps so there is no harm to any of us and we hear a feminine voice.

                “Nick tell me you want to get along with us or still want to help that bitch and hurt yourself more?” that was Anna. Calling me bitch! And thinking of Hurting Nick again! In that very moment I know how hard I wanted to hit her bad.

Wait! She said along with us” that means she had some more people with her. The cops smartly went closer to the room and they found there were more three people except for Nick and Anna in the room.

             “Put your hands up and surrender. Anna stop hurting people for silly reason now  you are caught” Mr. Peter speaks to Anna,  entering into the room and the other cops following him. And then we followed them.

Nick was still bleeding I ran to him as I see the blood, so does my mom. Mom asks the cops  to arrest Anna and his friends as they have hurt many of my friends and me too.

Sorry guys i know i kept you waiting for such long time actually broke my laptop last month But no worries i got repaired it yesterday and il b updating regularly and every two days its a good news!

And i was also thinking about a new story which reads as "DIRECTIONER'S DREAMS COME TRUE"  i hope you like and read that story too Hope you like it too ;)

take care

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