Chapter 2 - The Yellow Dragon

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Chapter 2 – The Yellow Dragon

"What are you talking about?" Hak questioned the priestess.

"I told you already," the priestress calmly said. "She will not cause any of us harm so don't worry about that,"

"If Roo-na is sure about this then it's okay," the Queen smiled. "Hi," she turned her attention to me, "I'm Yona and you are?"

"I'm Lyra," I smiled back at her.

"This is Hak," she gestured to the King then introduced the others, "That guy with the mask on is Shin-ah and Roo-na is his lover who's also the official priestess of this kingdom. You already know Kija, right?" I nodded. "That green-haired guy is named Jae-ha. The pretty little boy beside him is Yun and the long yellow-haired guy is Zeno,"

"We still have some spare rooms left, right?" Roo-na asked and Yona nodded. "I'll take her there."


As we were walking, Roo-na almost took me by surprise when she went on her knees and bowed to me. "I don't know if I'm worthy enough to see you standing in front of me but please accept my respect, Amaterasu,"

My eyes widened at what she said. "H—How did you know?"

"I'm a priestess and I could sense the gods and goddesses,"

"Please don't tell anyone,"

"As you wish,"

"Stand up," I ordered. "Please treat me as a fellow friend and not a goddess. I came here for that specific purpose,"

Roo-na stood up from the floor and started walking so I followed her. "What is it that you want to achieve?"

"You humans are interesting," I honestly told her. "I want to experience living side-by-side with humans. I want to interact with them with no superiority. But of course, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi don't support my decisions. They said that we shouldn't interact with humans since we hold great power. For sure, my brothers are looking for me right now. Who knows of what they might do?"

"Susanoo and Tsukuyomi..." Roo-na trailed off. "They are your brothers and they were with you when you created Ancient Japan, right?"

"Yes," I nodded. "I painted the landscape with them then created Ancient Japan. You sure do know a lot about your history, huh?"

"It's nothing," she shrugged. "I can hear the voice of the supreme God and he was the one who told me who you were. The history is something that every priests and priestesses should know,"

"I heard that you were together with that masked man," I pointed out. "Is he really your lover?"

"Yes," she smiled.

"Isn't it illegal for a priestess like you to fall in love since it would serve as a distraction?"

"It's legal but uncommon," she explained. "Other priests and priestesses thought about others too much that they thought that they didn't need to find happiness for their own. If what you're doing right now makes you happy, then don't stop doing it."


What Roo-na told me strengthened my feelings of doing what I wanted to do. I wouldn't let Susanoo and Tsukuyomi get in the way of my happiness. I would fight them if it was necessary.

I wandered the castle without any particular place in mind. They were generous enough to have had me stay in a beautiful room. The dinner that Roo-na made me eat was also good.

I went to the garden area of the castle and admired the beauty of the flowers.

Back in my own place, I had a garden and a crop field. I remembered the time when Susanoo destroyed them. I hid in a cave and refused to emerge that the sun never came out because I was frustrated and angry at Susanoo. The world was plunged into darkness that time.

And it was all because of me.

I unsheathed my sword, Kusanagi, and made flawless movements. I had lived for a long time already so I mastered dancing with the sword. I mastered a lot of things because there was so many time to spare but this one was what I enjoyed the most.

My power was useless when the moon was out but I could still make the flowers bloom.

I swayed to the music that I made mentally and gracefully slashed my sword. Flower petals flew around me like they were one with my sword dance. I turned, jumped, and flew in the air with effortless movements.

The flowers in the garden also swayed with me. They bloomed into their most beautiful extent.

Before I could even tumble in the air, I saw someone in the corner of my eye.

He was staring at me with his eyes all widened. "W—What are you doing here?" I asked him as I immediately sheathed my sword.

Was he able to see the whole thing?

Zeno's eyes stared at me like I was unreal. After a minute, he decided to speak up. "Are you a goddess?" 

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