Chapter 1 - The Yellow Dragon

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This is a fan fiction based on the anime/manga Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn). This story is for Zeno. I do not own the character except for my own original character. This story is already finished and revised so expect the updates to be regular. Please enjoy!

P.S. My Shin-ah Love Story is already completed and uploaded! If you encounter a character here named Roo-na, she is the main love interest of Shin-ah in my fanfiction :) This is going to be a series so please enjoy :)

P.S. Even if you don't read the other stories and just read each one, you would still understand the plot since every story is independent and doesn't affect each other)

The Definition of Beautiful (Shin-ah Love Story) - Completed

The Definition of Eternity (Zeno Love Story) - Completed

The Definition of Freedom (Jae-ha Love Story) - Completed

The Definition of Loneliness (Kija Love Story) - Completed


If you are not aware, some of my original fiction novellas had been signed under 'Dreame'! Because of this, I was able to make writing as a career and it would really mean a lot if you continue supporting me.

Don't worry! I will never forget Wattpad as I am more than willing to provide you with some good anime fan fictions. Stay tuned as there will be more to come.

Please do support my original novellas on Dreame as it would really mean a lot!

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2. Search for "Fumise Love" and read my stories there! Or if you are having troubles in finding my account, you can click the external link icon in the page and it will redirect you to my user profile!


Chapter 1 – The Yellow Dragon

 "No! I forbid you to mingle with mere humans!" Susanoo, my older brother, yelled.

"I want to witness the world," I reasoned. "Please...Susanoo, please let me go!"

"We just want what's best for you and for us," my twin brother named Tsukuyomi joined our conversation. Even if they were my brothers, I hated the both of them so much. "Let's just get married again,"

"Shut up," I glared at Tsukuyomi. "I left you because your existence disgusts me. I will never ever forget the day you killed the goddess of food for your own selfish desires," it wasn't a big deal having a marriage between siblings since we were gods and goddesses. I thought of Tsukuyomi as someone who was evil that was why I didn't want to be anywhere near him at all.

"Our decision is final," Susanoo said.

"Seems like I am left with no other choice..." I whispered. Before they could even process what was going on, I blinded them with instant light that I summoned. Susanoo was the god of storm and sea while Tsukuyomi was the god of the moon. Both of their powers were darker than mine.

I immediately made my way to the land of Kouka Kingdom. It wasn't the country that me and my brothers created but it was close. I had lived long enough as a goddess that I wanted to experience being human. Servants of my brothers tailed behind me.

I unsheathed my sword, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, from its sheath and took them on one-by-one.


I struggled to catch my breath. Fighting my brothers' servants took almost all of my energy away. Who knew that I would go this far just to walk the land of Kouka Kingdom? If I was going to stay here, I needed to at least have a house to stay at.

I continued walking to where my feet could drag me. I was a goddess but my powers were limited only to the sun. It didn't help when it was already evening since my powers would be useless once the moon came right now.

Heavy rain suddenly poured from the sky. It was obvious that it was Susanoo's fault. It was cold. It was too cold for my own good. I needed to find shelter quickly. I ran and ran until I stumbled upon a castle, a huge one at that.

Maybe this was where the ruler of this kingdom lived. I went to the gates and was about to go inside but someone halted me. "Stop! Who are you? "

"Why do you even ask that?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Didn't he know who I was? I was the one who created Ancient Japan! He should bow down and pay respect to my existence.

"Who are you, woman?" this time, he held a sword pointed at my throat.

"I'm Ama—Lyra. My name's Lyra," if I wanted to be hidden from Susanoo and Tsukuyomi, nobody should know of my real identity. This wasn't really that bad since I had an encounter with a human. If I wanted to experience being a human, I should first interact with them.

"And what's your purpose here?" the guard asked.

"I want to speak to the ruler of this kingdom,"

"For what reason? From what tribe are you?" he continued asking questions. What was this tribe that he was talking about? I remembered not making any tribes in this country.

"Stop it with the questions," I told him. "I want an audience with the ruler of this kingdom and that's it. I don't need to explain it to you,"

"What's going on here?" someone asked. I turned around to see a guy with white hair, almost transparent skin, and a bandaged hand approaching us. "Put down your sword. You should know to never disrespect a lady,"

The guard eyed me for a second before putting down his sword. "It seems that she wants to talk to the King,"

"I do want to talk to the King," I pointed out.

"I'll escort you to him," the white-haired guy offered. "Follow me,"

"B—But she has a sword!" the guard informed him. "Who knows of what she might do? She's a woman but she might be dangerous,"

"I'll take it from here," the white-haired guy ignored the guard's remarks. He walked away and I tailed behind him. "I'm Kija," he introduced.

"I'm Lyra,"

"We're here," he said as he opened a door to a room that somehow looked like a throne room. "Hak, someone wants to talk to you,"

"Talk to me?" a black-haired guy who was sitting on the throne wondered. There was someone sitting beside her whose hair was too distinct since it was in the shade of red.

"What's the matter?" the red-haired girl who was beside the King asked me. Was she the queen? There were other people inside the room.

There was this guy with a mask and a woman beside him. They looked like they were lovers. I noticed that the woman was staring at me like she was shocked of why I was here.

There was this green-haired guy who was smirking at me.

There were two yellow-haired guys. The first one looked young and pretty but I was sure that he was a boy. The other one had this long yellow hair and was grinning sheepishly.

"I want to live here," I told them.

"What?!" everybody yelled except for the masked man and the woman beside him.

"Y—You can't just ask to live in the castle!" the white-haired guy exclaimed.

"And you might be an assassin!" the green-haired guy added.

"If you were given the chance to live here, what's your benefit to us?" the King stated. "Why would we shelter someone like you?" His questions were good. I didn't have any idea on how to convince them. I couldn't possibly just tell them that I was a goddess because I knew that they wouldn't believe me. "See?" Hak continued, "You should leave,"


I was interrupted by the voice of the woman who was beside the masked man. "Pardon my intrusion but as a priestess, it is my decision for her to stay here." 

The Definition of Eternity (Zeno Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz