I took a bite of my waffle that had strawberry syrup spread on. I swallowed, "Well you shouldn't it is gross you know," I looked back down at the map.

"Um...Shane?" I look up, "you have some stuff on your...here," he takes his napkin and to my surprise he wiped something off my cheek. I was frozen. Couldn't speak. I blush at his sudden touch. He retrieves the napkin, "there you go that's better I think," he smiles. 'Wait why am I blushing?' a man shouldn't blush by another man! I couldn't breathe, 'but I feel like I am blushing infront of him.'

I found my voice as I stood up, "Excuse me for a moment I need to use the bathroom," without hearing him say ok I walk inside. I walk quickly to one of the downstairs bathroom. Locking the door. I sank down to the floor as I covered my mouth, 'why was I blushing' kept going through my mind, 'why infront of a guy!' that is the answer I want to know the most! Why was I blushing by a guy. And also what was that back there? He wiped my face with his own napkin. Again wiped my face! Usually a straight guy wouldn't do that to another guy unless the guy's hands are tied and need something wiped off his face. I stood up slowly and made it over to the sink. I look in the mirror, touching my cheek where he wiped something off. Also this morning he said that he thought I was cute or maybe my ears were playing tricks and he didn't actually say that. I shook my head no he did actually say that I heard him clearly. Then I reached a conclusion, 'Is he into me?' I gasp. Back at the table when he wiped my cheek that probably was a hint that he was teasing me. Yesterday in the car when told me he hadn't been in a relationship for a long time he didn't give me a gender so it makes me wonder was his last relationship a girl or a guy?

It was time to go on the road again we decided to go to Trinidad for lunch. We bid the family who owns the inn a good bye and a good day.

We stopped for gas before entering the highway. As I waited for the gas to fill up I bought me and Len two cokes. Len smiles at me while taking his coke. I look away and at the gas hoes.

On the highway I plugged in my smartphone for some music. My car has a plug for any kind of mp3 players. I turn the volume up as my favorite band came on. 'The Red Hot Chili Peppers' we drove in silence. Len looking out the window and I concentrating on the signs ahead.

I look over at Len for a sec who had his eyes closed. My mind is confusing me at the moment. I keep thinking back at breakfast and how I blushed. Why did I blush? I mean I am straight. Well at least I think I am. But do I really need a label on myself. Does it really matter what I am. I mean you usually follow what your heart and body says. I look back over at Len I was surprised when his eyes were staring back at me. I look back at the highway. Feeling my cheek a bit hot from being caught. But then again he was staring at me first. I inner sigh and kept my eyes on the signs. My heart has always been with Hazel. I always want to keep it there but how to describe this new form of feelings. Feelings that is making a bit hard to keep my heart with Hazel.

"You ok?" I heard Len ask.

I sigh as I kept my eyes on the road, "There is something we need to discuss."

"What about?"

"OK firstly this morning in the bathroom."

"Are you mad about that?"

"What...no. I never was. When I was covering my..." I blushed at hearing those words trying to come out of my mouth, "you know...well you said it was cute?"

"Yes because it was cute."

"Why would you say that though? I mean it is like you actually are calling me cute."

"I would be lying to you and myself if I told you that you aren't. So I will let you on a little secret," I was into focusing on the road that I didn't see him come close to my ear and whisper, "you are cute Shane," I was so startled that I swerved a bit. Other cars were hocking at me wondering what I was doing. When I straightened my wheel I breathed out a relieve looking over at Len, "sorry I didn't mean to startle you," he smirked.

"What would you expect!" I look back on the road, "first of I was startled with your breath on my ear and 2nd you whispering to me that I am cute."

"Oops," is all he said, "did you not like it then?"

"I just got startled."

"Ah so you were ok with it?"

I glare over at him, "OK we need to get off here," I exit the highway.

"Why? Is there something you need to check?"

"Oh there is something I need to check alright," I said through gritted teeth. I wasn't mad just confused and my heart was still pounding from swaying on the highway just a few seconds ago. I parked in a mcdonalds parking lot.

"Are you getting something to eat?" he wondered.

"Will you cut the crap already!" I shout. I look over at him, "what is going on with you today?"

"Whoa why are you mad?"

I breathed in a sigh, "I am not mad."

"You shouted though?"

"From frustration and confusion."

Len nods, "From what?"

"Do you not understand what is making me confused?"

Len shrugs, "I don't know how one feels when they don't explain?"

I sigh and rubbed my head.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What's wrong?"



I look over, "You are acting weird today. First you told me that it was cute that I was covering myself. Then at breakfast time you wiped something off my face. And now in the car you said I was cute. Whispering it in my ear. Why? Why would you do these things?"

Len looks down, "It is hard to explain."

"Just tell me why?"

Len looks up and gulps, "I haven't felt like this like I do for you for a long long time. Not to mention I don't let people get close to me from what happened in my child hood past. The last relationship I had was well long while ago," he looks down at the mat beneath his feet, "the thing is I feel something for you."

"Feel? What do you feel about me?"

"I noticed two days ago that I have feelings for you. That...I...like you," he looks up, "there now you know I like you."

'I knew it.' I nodded understanding on him liking me more then just a friend.

"Why are you not surprised over this?"

"Because...I kind of already knew while I was in the bathroom after you cleaned my face I started figuring it out."

Len nodded and looks at his hands, "You probably think it is gross of me to think that about you?"

I thought about this for a moment. Putting a hand on his shoulder I gave him an answer.

A Killer In My house boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now