Chapter 10

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I drove into the parking lot of the bed and breakfast inn. I got out and got my stuff. Len followed me inside. Inside were a older couple. Husband and wife owning a bed and breakfast inn. They also had two children two girls. In their 20's helping to run this place. I looked around while the couple gave us a tour around the house that we are allowed to enter. Me and Len decided to share a room since it is less expensive that way. They show us the library that we can come down here and read while we stay. Upstairs they have a bathroom in each room and two bathrooms downstairs. They seem to be mid rich from the looks of things. There is one kitchen and a drink bar next to it. One of their daughter seems be flirting with Len who doesn't get that she is flirting. He told me in the car on the way here that it has been a long time since he been in a relationship. He asked me if there was someone special in my life. I didn't answer and switch to a different subject. I am not ready to tell him. Not yet anyway. 

They gave us the rest of the tour and then showed us to our room my stuff was already brought up by the girls. I will tip them tomorrow for their help. Our room had two twin size beds. A table next to the window, a sofa across the room and a 20 inch flat screen mounted on the wall. A closet. One bathroom. And two night stands. One by each bed. A lamp was set on each one. I thanked the couple for showing us a tour of the house and to us to our room. They told us breakfast will be served tomorrow at 7 am till 9 am. I took my shoes off and laid on the bed. I was exhausted after the event today. 

"You ok?" Len wondered as he sat on his bed watching me.

I look over, "I am now. How about you?"

Len looks down, "It's getting there," he looks at me, "thanks for doing this for me I owe you one. Not just for today but for this whole time you let me hide in your house. I know it is a risk you took there."

I smiled at him for thanking me for taking a risk for his sake "No problem. After I heard your story I thought it was the right thing to do. Mom would probably of done the same thing," I look down at the floor thinking of her.

I heard footsteps coming over to me. I look up at him with a hint of sadness in my eyes. He kneels down beside me and takes my hand which surprises me, "Has anyone been there for you after her passing. I hope you didn't deal with her death all on your own?"

I was shocked by both his hand holding mine and his words from his mouth. I never heard his mouth be this gentle with me before. I look down on the floor, "Lexi was there for me that day and at her funeral so I had someone there." but no one was there for me when my wife and daughter died I wanted to say but kept the words inside my mouth. I look up at Len, "I am going to take a shower and go to bed," I let go of his hand and got up, "I am exhausted from today," I entered the bathroom and shut the door. I needed sometime to think as well. That is right I am taking a risk on Len. The thing that bugged me the most is why? Why go this far in getting him out of that town? He was just a stranger at my door step not to long ago. I guess we sort of became friends now. I look down at my hands while taking off my pants. Len has gentle hands. He is also a kind person in some ways. I take off my shirt and underwear, turning on the nob for the shower head. I stepped in and sighed as the water massaged my tension off my shoulder. On Sunday I will tell my boss that I quit after working there for 4 years. I close my eyes as I wash my sorrow away. 

I got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. Len looks up as I walk out of the bathroom. 'You have a nice body you know?" he says while looking at me.

I blush at this, "Thank you," is all I could think to say. I walk over to my bag of clothes and got out a pair of boxers and white T-shirt. I went back to the bathroom and got dressed for bed. Walking over to the bed I put the covers aside and got in, sitting up. Len was watching the tv. "What are you watching?" I wondered

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