Tell Me The Truth

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The dinner with Lexi

Dinner with Lexi was a good night. More better then I thought. She and Len are getting along well. Len did tell me in the kitchen that Lexi is a sweet person and he can't be with her. He knows about Lexi's motion she been flirting with him mostly all evening. "I am a criminal Shane," he whispers in my ear, "I don't think she would want to be with a criminal who just escaped from jail."

The rest of the dinner night was serving wine and eating dessert that I made from scratch. Yes I know how to bake. There was both a apple pie and a cherry pie. I look over at Len who seems to be enjoying his cherry slice. He looks over at me and licks his lips, "Very good pie my cousin," he smiles.

I look over at Lexi who was looking at us. I nodded at Len. 

"Len is right Shane you have a talent for pies," Lexi says with a hint of surprise when she forked her first bite of my apple pie in her mouth.

I nod, "I am glad you both like my pies," I smiled a small smile as I got up and over to the kitchen to start washing dishes. 'Maybe I should start a pie business?'

One day later.

Me and Len were at the kitchen table. It was time. Time for him to reveal the truth about him. His hands were gripping on the table. Shaking. His eyes shows a sign of fear. Like he is thinking I would send him back to jail if he told me his answer. "OK Len you need to tell me now why your hiding in my house? It has been 3 days since you been here. 3 days. You haven't told me at all why you were in jail and why the police are so desperately wanting to find you? When I did ask you, you would avoid the subject. Enough of that ok I need to know the truth about you? First of why are you here in my house hiding?" I hissed.

He gulps and looks at the table, "I needed to find a place to hide and the only place I could think of was your mother's. I didn't realize you were still living with her."

"Correction she lived with me."

"Oh that's nice of you for taking care of your mom like that."

I bit my lips, "It was the right thing to do. After I heard the word cancer from her mouth I told her to stay with me so I could look after her."

"You miss her don't you?" he wondered sadly. He probably knows how fresh her passing was for me.

I nod, "Yes of course I miss her," I shook my thought of my mom away, "anyways back to why your here?"

"I already told you to hide from the cops and keep hidden."


"I escaped from jail. You already know that though."

I smack my head in my hand, "Of course I do how can I forget," I look at him, "wasn't simply asking why you escaped jail I was wondering why you were in jail?"

"It is complicated."

"Well you are hiding in my house might as come clean with me?"

He looks down at the table and took a big breath, "I did something that would be to horrible to speak of."

I sigh, "Rape?"

He gives me a gross look, "Gross. I would never touch a person like that."


He shook his head.

"Stole a purse and beat the woman holding the purse?"

He just glares at me, "Where do you get these ideas?"

I shrug, "From the movies. Abuse?"

He stands up and walks over to me. He had some type of flare in his eyes. He grabbed my shirt. Leaning in my ear he whispers, "I was jailed because...of...murder," he whispers softly.

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