Chapter 19

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          Jughead's POV: Betty has a diary. She's one of those girls, that seem like they have no secrets. But then, when you're around her enough, you see the way she shuts her diary when you walk into the room. You know, that deep down inside Betty Coopers heart, she has some darkness. Or maybe - it's something that she doesn't want you to find.
When we all went our separate ways after Pop's, Archie made me go with him and Veronica. I didn't know why, but it wasn't an option according to Veronica. I really didn't get Veronica. One minute she acts like she's queen bee, and the next...she's just a normal girl. It doesn't change her behavior towards me, but she acts different when Betty's around. Not to mention her relationship with Archie. I've been noticing a few moments where they'd made eye contact inside of Pop's, and they acted like they'd never seen each other before. They hadn't said anything about their relationship, but I think they're hiding something. And that's what the people in the Blue & Gold are for, right? To figure out things. But, that's not the only thing I'm hoping to figure out.
          Anyways, when Archie and Veronica took me the opposite way of Betty, I'd noticed she wasn't going the right way. That is, if she was even going home. Yet, another unanswered thing from Betty Cooper: The girl next door. When us three had been walking for a short while, we arrived at Sweet Water River. I was hoping that they weren't Jason's murders and they were planning to kill me, too. My dad did always say I had a very bright imagination.
          "What're we doing here?" I asked. "Relax. We're not going to shoot you in the head." Joked Veronica. "Really, Veronica? I'm sure he wasn't even thinking that." Said Archie. Oh dear Archie, if only you knew what's going on in that head of mine. "So? You still didn't answer my question." I said. I was really only focused on Betty. It was bugging me so much. I wanted to know where she was going.
          "Fine. If you wanna know so much, then here's your answer. Tell us what's going on between you and Betty." Said Veronica with a small smirk. "Nothing. Plus, why do you guys care? You're dating each other." I said trying to uncover the truth. They made an awkward glance between one another, and without hesitation, "We broke up, Jug." Veronica said. "Why aren't you telling Betty? Why'd you wait so long to tell me?" I asked. "Woah, woah, woah, one question at a time, Jughead." Said Veronica. "We didn't want it to get in the way of our friendships. We were scared it would come between us all." Said Archie. "Of course it wouldn't." I said. "I have a better question, though." Said Archie. I had a feeling of what was coming. "The other night, I was texting Betty. And...I just happened to come across feet at the edge of Betty's bed...sticking out." He said. "What? It wasn't me." I said. "Are you positive, Jughead?" Asked Veronica, walking closer to me. "I'm positive." I said. "Now, can we go?" I asked. "I feel like one of us is going to die." I said. We all walked away, leaving the river that Jason died in.
          I couldn't go straight to Betty's house, because Archie lived right next to her. I decided to take a short walk, to clear my mind.
          Betty's POV: When I got back to my house, I was surprised to see Archie arriving home, too. "Hey, Arch." I said. "Hey!" He said. "So...where's Veronica and Jug?" I asked. "They left." He said while scratching the back of his head. "Where'd you all go, anyways?" I said while laughing. "Betty. Can I ask you something?" He said. "Um....sure." I replied. "The other night, I saw feet on your bed. Who was it?" He asked. "I'm not going to ask what you did..." He said awkwardly. "It's nothing like that!" I said. " was no one you know." I said. He shook his head, and then turned around to go inside of his house. "Why'd you wanna know?" I asked. "Just wondering." He said. I turned around, and went inside of my own house.
          When I went to my room, I saw Jughead standing by the window. "You could've gotten caught, Jug!" I said. "I was quiet, relax." He said. I laughed, and then went to get ready for bed.
          Jughead's POV: When she walked into the bathroom, I realized something. I had heard their whole conversation. Archie had asked me who was with her. He just asked her the same question. I'm no detective or anything, but I know something. Something he should've done a better job at hiding. He liked Betty. Seeing us always together, made him realize that he was missing out on something incredible. And, he thought, that his weird, writer best friend, was taking it away from him. And now, my guess is that he's not gonna give up, anytime soon.
          Don't think for a second that I was ever going to let him get away with her. I would put up a fight. He had his chance, but he threw it in the trash. And now, he's digging around to find the broken heart he threw away before, hoping to revive it. And, taking an educated guess, he probably just broke Veronica's for Betty. Veronica wasn't my favorite person by far, but she didn't deserve that. I could tell she really liked him. She was in love with him. Just like I'm in love with Betty. And that's why, if Archie wants her, he's not going to get her without dealing with me first.
And hopefully, she doesn't like him back still. Because that...would break my heart. The last of it, too.
          A few minutes later, Betty came out of the bathroom. She'd taken a fast shower, and pulled her hair up into a wet ponytail. She had her pink pajamas on, and she came to lay next to me. She was cold, so I put the blankets over her. "Jughead?" She asked. "What?" I asked her. "My dad was talking about how Polly is sick. She's crazy, according to him. I don't believe him." She said. "I'm sure she's not crazy, Betty." I said. "I know. And...that's why...I wanna go find her." She said. I'd do anything for Betty. I'd give her my whole life if I had to. "Ok." I said. "Maybe she'll know something about Jason." I said. "Maybe." She whispered, and drifted off to sleep.
          Betty's POV: Last night, I wasn't joking. My parents keep saying she's crazy. But, that's not all. Jughead was right. She could know something about Jason. And we have to find out what.
And it was only the beginning.

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