"What time?"Damita asked with a slight attitude.

"Now if you're not busy."Afeni answered.

"I need a couple of minutes. The kids are eating breakfast, then I have to drop them off. I'll text you when I'm on the way."She replied and then hung up before Afeni could say anything else.

Damita then sat her phone down and proceeded to make her children's plates.

"Goodmorning Ma."Amaru smiled and kissed his mother on the cheek.

"Goodmorning Son."She smiled and grabbed his face to kiss him on the lips.

He then sat down and she put his plate in front of him. Then she put down two more plates for Aaliyah and herself.

"You doing okay Ma?"Amaru asked, stuffing his mouth with bacon and eggs.

"What have I told you about talking with your mouth full?"She scalded him.

"Sorry ma."he sighed then wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper towel.

"Are you still going with Joseph today?"Damita asked with a bit of irritation in her voice. Although she wasn't close with her parents, the kids were. They spent a lot of time with them when Damita was away.

"About that?"Amaru sung, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. Damita cut her eyes at him, she wasn't in the mood for anything less than what was supposed to be going on.

"They want to pick us up. They want to see you."He added with pursed lips.

"Are you serious? And you weren't going to tell me?"She rambled, as her nostrils flared. She then crossed her arms and got up from the table.

"What the fuck is it pull up on Damita day."She mumbled, walking up the stairs.

She walked into her bathroom and turned on the tub. She always took a bath when she felt like something was too much for her and at this time it was well needed.  This day brought her anxiety, mentioning her parents brought anxiety and seeing Afeni and Amari would bring anxiety. All she wanted to do was relax.

"Where'd she go?"Aaliyah asked her brother.

"Upstairs. You might wanna check on her. You know how she gets."Amaru scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean? What did you say to her?"Aaliyah asked angrily.

"I just told her that papa and grandma Katherine want to see her that's all. They're picking us up."Amaru shrugged.

"What? They're coming here? Today?"Aaliyah rambled.

"I don't think that's a good idea. That's not good for mommy right now. She doesn't need to be around them."She sighed.

"Liyah, they're her parents. What do you mean?"Amaru asked.

"Forget it. You just don't understand. Come on and get dressed. We're going to have to leave soon."Aaliyah instructed, before disappearing up the stairs. She walked into her mothers bedroom to check on her, noticing that she wasn't in her bed she knew exactly where to look.

Family Ties (BOOK V)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें