Chapter one : Finally

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Finally, I thought to myself as I smiled at my dad.

For the first time in my entire life, I was the one steering the rollercoaster we call life. No more listening to dad, no more staying at home because I have to, no more curfews, no bad excuses. And no more you're not old enough.

Cause, as of right now, I am old enough. I am finally 21, old enough to drink, party, smoke - have a real hangover that didn't consist of four sodas and two beers. Now, I was going to know what freedom tasted like, what I had been missing out of because of a sheltered life.

Drinking whatever I liked, seeing whoever I want, and maybe even hooking up.

I snorted at that thought. God forbid my dad ever finding out. He wouldn't even think twice before killing the guy.

"Now that you're 21, we should celebrate in the best of manners." My dad smiled at me. "But before we talk about that, I have something for you."

He pulled out a little velvet box from his inner pocket hidden in his Armani suit, which probably cost a fortune. He slides it across the table smiling nervously at me. He was never the one buying me gifts so they were never that personal, but this time I could tell he bought it himself.

Opening the box, I gasped, surprised to see a beautiful gold necklace spelling out 'Amorè' his own nickname for me, which more or less grew to be my middle name. the dim lights at the restaurant we were dining at caused it to sparkle.

Smiling at him, I took it out of the box, ready to put it on right away when I noticed the little diamond on the top corner of the 'A'. He always told me I was his diamond. His only daughter, only child to be exact. I squealed in excitement, moving my long red hair aside, putting the necklace around my neck before I jumped up and hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you so much papa, it's beautiful! I love it."

He smiled at me in relief and I could see the love in his eyes as they softened. " This Saturday we will celebrate your birthday at a very fancy place, if you're up for it?"

"Depends Papa, I'm not in the mood for a huge birthday party. You know I hate when the whole family comes over. They always suffocate me with questions like 'So are you seeing anyone? What are you studying? Will you ever get your own place?' I would rather hang out with grandma for a whole week!" I exhaled.

"At the graveyard? You would rather sleep at the graveyard?" He laughed loudly. It's been awhile since we actually had fun, he and I. He was barely ever home and when he was, he was always either too exhausted or doing business at his office I wasn't allowed in.

"No, I was thinking of taking you out for a night of partying? Maybe at this place called 'Overdose'. One of my alliances own the place so I have a VIP table ready for you, and then maybe you could accompany me in the Kings Lounge after?" He smiled once again, insecure of the choice he made.

"Kings Lounge? Are women even allowed in there? " I asked. Kings Lounge was his go-to place when he needed to relax and have fun, that much I knew. And never once has he spoken of women being there.

"Yes, very few women are. Because of it's your birthday you get a free pass," I nodded understanding.

"Yes, I would love to go! Can Ciara come with me? Please?" Ciara was my best friend, always has been, and always will be. She turned 21 in January so, of course, she was old enough.

"Yes, I already arranged it with Jimmy. She's coming too," he replied, knowing I would ask.

"Yay! So I could actually drink alcohol? Is it expensive? Oh my god what should I wear?! I would probably have to go shopping! " My dad laughed at my questions, making his stomach jump up and down in the process.

"Yes, you can drink." His eyes turned serious. "But I expect you to behave. Kings Lounge isn't the place to behave like a 14 year old." He looked me right in the eyes, telling he was very serious. "And yes it's expensive but just write it on a bill and I'll take care of it." he waved it off. "I thought you might say that, so I have one more present for you but you already know what that is, if I'm not mistaken." He grabbed a black box under the table bringing it towards me.

"Is it the dress I told you about?!" I squealed, excited to open the present. Before he even answered, I ripped it open, only to reveal a beautiful red dress. It was mid-thigh and short, with a heart shaped neckline made to sit tight when you put it on. Alongside it was a little red handbag with Gucci spelled out in golden letters and a pair of beautiful black heels with golden heels. I will look so hot on Saturday, I thought to myself.

"Oh my god papa, you shouldn't have! I could always bring Ciara out on a shopping spree! But I love it! Thank you soo much!" I exclaimed, dragging out the 'o'. "I'm so grateful! This is the best birthday ever!" He laughed lightly at my excitement.

"Now let's eat our desserts and get home. It's been a long night," he said scooping some strawberry ice cream on his spoon, before tasting it. For a brief second, I saw the sorrow in his eyes, as the sweetness hit his tastebuds. It reminded him of mom. They always shared strawberry ice cream when we dined out. He missed her so much and so did I. It was eleven years since she passed away, and he took his time recovering from our tragedy.

Ever since that day, he sheltered me from the outside, afraid to lose me as well.

We kept her alive together, talking about her every chance we got, showing pictures of her proudly, and sharing memories.

As we finished our desserts, he put his hands in the air to get the waiter's attention, showing off his rings and golden Rolex, reminding them how many money he spent here, making the waiter's pace speed up.

"Yes, sir. What can I do for you?" The young girl asked politely, with a forced smile.

"Get me the bill." I glared at him. "Please," he muttered, rolling his eyes at me. I smiled in triumph.

The waiter brought back the bill for him to pay, as we stood up, getting ready to leave. I put on my black trench coat, walking towards the doors with the biggest smile on my face.

This Saturday, I will feel like the woman I am. I would finally go outside to the real world and see what I've been missing!

I just couldn't wait

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