Daniel threw down the cigarette he was holding and stepped on it, a shadow taking over his face and darkening his features. His laugh echoed in the room as he threw his head back, as if I had told him the funniest shît he had ever heard. It was a sound that I was starting to hate deeply.

"Oh, Harry... I see what you are trying to do." He told me, pointing his finger at me.

"You know it's the truth." I breathed out. Even talking was becoming a hard thing to do for me.

He approached me slowly and bend down so that we were in the same level and I could see his face clearly. He was so close to me that I could just reach out and punch him hard on the face if I wanted to, but I was too weak to even do that. The bastard knew it too.

"I know your games, Harry. But believe me when I tell you this. If Alexander tried to betray me or even thought of it he wouldn't live to see tomorrow. I don't tolerate traitors, that's how I've been surviving. I kill my enemies and I make myself stronger. You can consider him and you dead." He told me, his brown eyes shining. "Cause it's going to happen soon."

With that he stood up and without giving me a second glance walked out of the door, slamming the door behind him with a loud thud.

My hands were shaking slightly, I had the need to punch or break something, to let out my anger. I had to get out of here and I had to save Angelina from this psychopath. He was planning to kill Alexander as well, his supposed partner. He just wanted him to do the job and when Angelina was finally his he would kill us both. I was the bait, the reason, and Alexander was the one who would bring her to Daniel.

But my question at the moment was only one. Where was Alexander right now?

* * *

[Angel's POV]

"Angelina, I'm still not sure if you should do this." Loren told me, giving me a disapproving look. "You know that meeting him will only mess with your emotions and the last thing you need at this point is to put your baby in danger." 

I shook my head. "I need to. If it helps us get Harry back then I will do it." I told her, putting on my jacket.

She walked in front of the door blocking my way out of the room and crossed her arms over her chest. I narrowed my eyes at her, I couldn't have this talk with her again, I didn't have the time or energy to do it at the moment. My heart was beating like crazy only at the thought of seeing Daniel's face again, the face of the man who ruined my life and my happiness.

"He won't help or give you Harry back. You know what he wants, he wants you and he will stop at nothing until he has you. For all we know this would be just another trap or game of his. Maybe he is not even there and just wants to give you false hope. Do you really think that he will appear just like that? He knows that you will bring the police." She told me, raising her voice a bit.

"You think I don't know that, Loren? I know everything, I know that he will stop at nothing. But I can't lose hope, not yet. Not like this." I told her, my chin quivering as a tear slipped down my cheek.

Her features softened immediately and she took a step forwards, taking me in her embrace and hugging me tightly. "I'm just trying to protect you Angelina. But this is your choice and I will respect it." She whispered in my ear and I gave her a small nod.

"Thank you, Loren."

Pulling back, she gave me a soft rub on the back and we slowly walked out of the room together. I took a big breath as we approached the living room where Louis was standing. He seemed to be as stressed as I was and I felt bad for him. I wasn't the only one suffering,he was too. His best friend was in danger and he couldn't do anything about it, he didn't have the power.

His blue eyes met mine and he let out a deep breath."So you are going?" He asked me.

"Yes, Louis. You know I have to." I stated.

He gave me a nod, his eyes showed understanding. He knew he would do the same if he was in my place.

"Just be careful." He murmured and lowered his head, looking at the floor as he walked away from us.

I did the same and headed for the door. Liam and rest who were going to accompany me where waiting for me in the car and I had to leave soon. I had this uneasy feeling inside of me, it wasn't a good feeling and it was starting to consume me the more I approached the cars.

A small but sharp pain shot through my lower belly and I stopped in my tracks, placing my hand there. Frowning I looked down at my belly, my heart jumping in my chest. The signs I had tried to ignore were coming back and this time my pain was worse than before.

I gritted my teeth and stood up straight, but as soon as I tried to take a step forwards the pain appeared again and it was worse. It almost left me out of breath and I gasped. I think I heard my name being called in the distance but I didn't know to who belonged that voice. My attention was focused on the pain I was feeling.  

The pain that followed took me completely off guard and I was about to fall on the ground, but someone came to my side for help. They held my arm, forcing me to stay on my feet and not fall down.

"Angelina, what is happening?" I think it was Loren, but I didn't turn my head to see.

I heard other footsteps and as I looked in front of me I could see Liam running towards my direction, but I couldn't even form any words. My eyes moved back down again and I felt my whole body shiver at what I saw. It was like all my nightmares were becoming reality and I had no control anymore.

A dark red spot had stained my beige pants and it surely wasn't a good sign. My eyes widened in shock and I screamed loudly, falling down on my knees.

"Angelina. No."

"Liam, call an ambulance. We need to take her to the hospital."

I could hear everyone screaming around me, a chaos erupted, but I couldn't do anything about it. My pain had me glued to the ground and the image of my blood caused white spots to appear in front of my vision. Slowly every single voice faded away, I couldn't hear anyone anymore. They were moving around me, I could still see them in blur. My arms went limp and I couldn't move them anymore, I knew that I losing my senses. I was scared. I was scared for the baby. I ignored all the signs. It was my fault.

It was my fault.

If I lost this baby it would be only my fault.

Those were my last thoughts until I slipped into complete unconsciousness.

It was my fault.

Sorry if there are any mistakes, I didn't have time to edit the chapter. Please comment and vote if you liked the chapter ;)

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