09. Farewell, Captain Kirk

Start from the beginning

Kirk frowned, noticing the deep red scars on her tanned wrists; it was the first time he had seen her with her sleeves up.

Where did she get those marks from? He couldn't help but wonder. It explained why she wore long sleeves on such a hot island.

The rich man instantly became angry when Jessica attempted to retaliate. She tried to pull her sleeve back down, hoping no one saw the ugly scars on her wrists. However, the rich man refused to give up and pulled her sleeve back up again, caressing his sloppy lips against her skin.

Kirk's anger boiled up a notch. The look in Jessica's eyes was a deep fear, and she soon became frozen, like she had lost herself in her mind, possibly a flashback.

Kirk immediately remembered the day he had strangled Jessica, and she had screamed from his touch. He instantly came to the conclusion that she must have been hurt by a man, and that was why she looked so fearful and unresponsive. Kirk's clenched fist slammed against the table. The chips from the poker game scattered and scared the others out of their seats as he growled.

Instantly noticing why the captain had suddenly turned red with rage, the crew abruptly stood up at the same time, seeing their Little Red being assaulted. Their weapons were all out and ready to attack.

The loud thud of Kirk's boots could be heard as the bar turned deadly quiet, feeling the sudden tension in the room. The captain's shadow hovered over the fat man.

"Take your hands off her." Kirk grabbed the man's throat and started to squeeze it slowly.

"She is nothing more than a common wench," the man laughed through a cough. "Why do you seek to protect her?"

"She is my little sister and a part of my crew. When you disrespect one of us, you disrespect all of us!" Kirk gestured to all of his crew and their faces filled with rage, their sharp weapons glinting in the direction of the rich fat man's.

Kirk slammed the man's face into the table, breaking it in two, and he lifted his head back up by what little hair he had left on his bald head. The man's teeth dangled from his gums. He punched the man in the gut and sent him flying across the room, breaking through the wall and sending him slumping to the ground. Kirk had only just begun his attack, a sick smile on his face as he marched towards the man, the customers parting out of his way. He was going to enjoy this.

Meanwhile, Jessica had been pushed away from the man. She stumbled onto the floor, the tears stinging her eyes as memories from her past flashed before her. Her body shivered all over as she remembered the touch of the man that had abused her. She felt weak and helpless; her breathing became coarse and sharp as she attempted to pick herself up from the ground, but her shaking limbs refused to comply.

She collapsed back onto the floor, giving up and let the nightmares of her past consume her.


Jessica woke up screaming, her breathing heavy as she started to hyperventilate. Her entire body shook all over, and a cold sweat clung to her body. Her heart raced, and she began to panic. Where was she? It looked like she was in a bedroom.

"Shush, it was only a nightmare. You're safe now."

She felt warm arms wrapped around her and the familiar metallic smell of her brother. Realising it was Kirk, she pulled him into an embrace and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder and fearing for her life if he dared to let her go.

Kirk continuously stroked her hair, soothing her until her breathing calmed down, and she soon relaxed.

"What happened?"

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