Chapter 13

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Author's Notes: Hahahahahahaha We have an outline now. Updates are about to be a little more regular. Shit's about to hit the fan. Enjoy!

A sigh escaped her lips again as she stirred her breakfast around in her bowl. Marinette wasn't feeling too hungry. Sure, her mother's story had helped a lot earlier, and she managed to lay back down for about an hour, but she still wasn't feeling herself; the guilt and blame just wouldn't get up and leave just like that. She would be worried about Adrien. After all, his life was on hold until she could find the akuma. Of course her parents couldn't know that. They still eyed her concerned and her guilt grew because now she was getting them worried. Eventually, to ease all of their minds, she plastered on a smile, cleaned her dishes, kissed her mother good-bye, stopped by and did the same for her father in the bakery, before heading off to school and hopefully an easy day.

Her mind was beginning to circle again. The list of things she still had to do was starting to come for her again. It took all of her will power to swallow it down as best as she could.

So distracted was she that she failed to noticed when a hand shot out to grab her arm; Marinette was thrown off balance with a soft gasp as she was pulled around the side of the school building and out of sight of the main staircase. Adrenaline rushed through her system. She started to turn, an arm bracing for a swing, but stopped when she found who was holding her. Adrien was leaning back against the wall, a crooked, Chat-like grin on his face. Plagg sat on his left shoulder looking bored. "I can't believe I'm going to say this," the cat grumbled. He cleared his throat and struggled to get out, "Hello purrincess." Marinette blinked. Tikki was in her purse dying. Plagg grumbled again.

"A-Adrien, Plagg! What are you two doing here? You can't be seen! Everyone thinks you're sick."

"That's what I told him but he was being stubborn," the black god continued. "Something about wanting to see his princess and what not."

"You can understand him?"

"Not really. It's a lot of hit and go."

Adrien smirked though. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist so that she was snuggled up rather closely to him. While she was talking to Plagg, he started kissing her forehead and cheeks. Then her nose. Marinette scrunched it, let loose a little giggle, before finally giving him the attention he wanted by giving him a soft, slow kiss. When they pulled apart, she started playing with the strings of the hoodie he wore, avoiding eye contact as she lightly scolded him, "You, mister, need to be at home until this akuma is situated."

"Bog is wash gamma beard," he whined, "Picture, you race wish train save master lace. We mast yarn Melody."

"What'd he say," she asked Plagg. He shrugged.

"Something about being bored probably. Oh, and wanting to feed his kwami." Adrien glared but Plagg merely returned the look with a gigantic grin. Marinette had to stifle giggle.

"I don't think that's what he said."

"Then it was probably something like "I really miss you." All you have to do is think cheesier than my camembert to get half of what he's saying."

"I'll keep that in mind," she mused, rubbing a finger across his head. Plagg closed his eyes and let out a soft purr, opening his eyes long enough to go, "At least someone appreciates me. Now, excuse me. I'm going to see Tikki since we're here." He flew off into Marinette's purse to cuddle Tikki. She rolled her eyes but returned her attention to Adrien. Looking at him, she found him to be absolutely adorable, wearing a beanie to cover his hair, dark, round sunglasses to conceal his eyes, and a rather large hoodie that made him look a tad bit smaller than he actually was. One would have to look close to recognized fashion model Adrien Agreste under all of the stuff. She swallowed and gripped the front of the hoodie rather tightly.

"I miss you so much," she whispered. "I miss having Chat at my back. I miss seeing you at school but you shouldn't be here Adrien! If you're seen, we'd have a lot of explaining to do. What if your father goes to look for you too? You need to go home now...."

She was silenced when a soft kiss touched her forehead. Adrien pulled back, smiling down at her, stroking the side of her face, his eyes conveying as much hope and love as he could. The good thing about being partners for so long meant that she understood what the expression was, and she sighed.

"I know. I understand but you're going to have to be patient. Lady, Emerald, and I are looking all over the city." She kissed his jaw. "I won't leave you like this. I'll fix this and I promise you, I won't be making the same mistake ever again."

He continued to smile, unable to respond. Instead, he just kissed her, hugging and soothing her by rubbing his hands up and down her back as far as he could reach. Several minutes passed in this fashion until the sounds of voices started to grow louder. Marinette flinched and pushed away, motioning for him to run. "Go Adrien! I'll visit you later tonight, I promise." He kissed her one final time on the nose before waving himself away as Plagg flew back out and onto his shoulder. He grumbled something about having to wait for her that night but she merely smiled at it, only turning around to face the oncoming person when they called out, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

The happiness she'd just had deflated. Coming at her was an angry looking Chloé Bourgeois who was her stomping up to her with Sabrina trailing behind. The blonde stopped short of the black haired girl. They immediately glared at each other. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I demand to know what you have done to Adrien."

"What makes you think I did anything," she snapped. The other girl cocked a hip and raised a hand, counting off details on that appendage.

"One, you're his girlfriend. Two, he disappeared supposedly after you two went on a date. Three, no one's heard from him since then. You are the only person who would supposedly have any contact with him!"

"There are other people Chloé," Marinette rolled her eyes, "Adrien does have a life outside of his home. He has friends like Nino and Alya."

"Why does he need others when he has me for a friend?"

"Maybe that exact reason is why he's friends with others," she mumbled. Chloé glared but didn't respond to the jab. Instead, she poked an accusatory finger at the half-Asian's shoulder.

"You better watch yourself Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Pretty soon, you'll get what's coming to you for getting in Adrien's life and in my way."

Marinette blinked, the threat sounding very much like her but also... not. It set wrong on her mind and she watched as the two girls stalked away. Tikki popped her head out of the purse, eyeing her chosen concerned, "What was that about?"

"I don't know Tikki but I don't like the way she put it." The bell started ringing and Marinette swore. "Oh no! I'm going to be late." She started running. "And I was actually on time today!" The red kwami giggled but fell silent as soon as they hit the first step of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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