Chapter 5

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Author's Notes: It's short but here's chapter 5! I'll be updating chapter 6 later today.

It still bothered her. It would always bother her until she managed to break Maritrash and her Adrikins up. Chloe sat in her room at the desk she'd allowed her father to place there not too long ago. It was for show only. He had insisted that she at least start looking like she was a powerful mature person which a good desk always insinuated and at the very least, it was good for intimidating anyone who came to visit. She'd only rolled her eyes at the time but allowed her father to purchase her an ornate, old-fashioned desk.

She had to admit that she actually liked the thing.

At least it matched the rest of her room.

Admitting for once that her father was right was the last thing she ever wanted to do. The man was too cowardly and naiive for anyone's good but when it came to desperate situations, he was just conniving enough to get the outcome he wanted. Hence why he was still the Mayor of Paris. She drummed her fingers on the smooth top. She'd taken to sitting at it in the matching memory foam wheeling chair when she had to contemplate something- if only to feel powerful long enough to get her thoughts out.

Her thoughts only circled again and again on them!

It was infuriating and made her sick to her stomach. Marinette was all over Adrien and he just as much with her. She knew her best friend and it wasn't hard to figure out what the half-Asian valued above all else since they'd been enemies since meeting in middle school. The blond could easily count off on one hand the things they valued between the two of them.

There was each other of course at the top. Ugh.

School. Both of them were losers in that respect.

Their friends. Adrien didn't have many but he valued each greatly.

Modeling. Marinette for the mere pleasure of seeing her clothing on other people and Adrien because it was his life.

She stopped on the last one. An idea slowly formed in her mind. Of course! Modeling. Both of them were tied through the modeling. Chloe had her nose and hand in every part of the city thanks to her father; it didn't escape her attention that the Agreste company was running an internship competition that Maritrash had succeeded in so far. She drummed her fingers faster. Yes what if...? Yes. That would work. Adrien would break for a bit but he would come around to seeing things her way and if needed she could always use Sabrina like she always did to make him come her way. She was brilliant! Chloe immediately jumped for the bell to ring for her butler who came without question. He still did not question when she asked for the mayor's office official letterhead. He still did not question when an hour later, she asked him to get the mayor's signature onto the paper.

Chloe smiled to herself.

She was going to win.

Marinette was going to lose everything.

Unfortunately, that meant Agreste Fashions had to fall.

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