Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Ignoring the fact I haven't updated in forever now, have an update. My job has been kicking my butt lately so... yeah....

"Chat! Left!"

The black clad superhero ducked left as a spinning green shield flew past him to smack sharply into a blast of... of, well, letters. It scattered. The letters scrambled and then rounded back, flying to the woman who controlled them, redecorating her suit as if they'd never left. She gritted her teeth. A soft growl escaped her lips again and she raised a hand, the letters swirling up her body before shooting out of her once more as she angrily thrusted it forward. Chat dodged. Emerald raised his shield again, grunting at the impact.

Ladybug peeked her head up around from behind a vehicle. The akuma, Miss Translate as she'd introduced herself earlier in the fight, was sufficiently distracted by the boys and was busy firing blast after blast at them. She ducked back down, staring at Lady Fox next to her. Like she had in several fights since the Winter Masquerade, Fox was using her ability to "see" the cursed item. Her eyes glowed orange and in her mind, she saw everything in clearness. Ladybug was almost see through next to her but she was colored red, Emerald was green, Chat was black, and the akuma was white.

Except for a little box on her hip which flamed purple in color.

When the vision ended, Fox looked at her partner with determination.

"She's got some kind of box device on her hip right now. I think it's a pager to be honest."

Chat landed near them. "A pager," he groaned, jumping back to his feet, "aren't those like super out of date?"

"Guess no one told her," Emerald grunted, deflecting yet another blast.

"Whatever the reason, it's there and we should probably do some snatching and smashing before my time runs out," Fox called back, clearing the car in seconds.
Ladybug nodded, "Good job Lady Fox. Keep her distracted you three." She nodded in return before running off to join the fray, wielding her weapon, the flute, like a staff. The three of them braced themselves and went on the offensive, Emerald tossing his shield so that Miss Translate had to block with her hands to keep it from smacking into her face. She grunted as two staffs suddenly made contact with her in mid-air, pushing her back some distance; glaring, she spotted Chat Noir and Lady Fox high fiving with cocky smirks on their faces. Her eyes traveled. Suddenly, she spotted the heroine she wanted. Ladybug threw her arm up in the air, releasing her yo-yo as she shouted, "Lucky Charm!" It was very easy to see the brilliant red magic coming off the spinning devices and then as they swirled and solidified into some kind of object. The akuma didn't get to see it as she was suddenly hit again by a staff.

"Hey there! This isn't time for a cat nap." Chat Noir pushed down on his staff but grunted when she pushed back, sending him flying once more on the paved roads of Paris. The fox put her flute to her lips. Before she could play though, a purple mask appeared over the villain's white one, and she gritted her teeth and aiming at the superhero, she shot another blast.

Fox didn't have time to respond.

She fell over backwards and gasped as the beam came closer. Raising her arms, she closed her eyes and got ready for the pain or whatever that was bound to come.

It didn't though.

A shadow crossed her vision. Fox opened them to find Emerald standing over her, deflecting blast after blast. He looked back over his shoulder, smiling at her, before grunting, "I got you."

"Thanks," she breathed.

"Anytime." He grunted again but threw his arm out, grabbing her hand and ducking behind a nearby car while they recouped. She looked down at her charm. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly from all the energy they'd used and her face fell when she realized she was down to three minutes. "You need to get out of here," he ordered. She shook her head.

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