Chapter 2

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Author's Note: We don't like to show our hands early but just to tease at the chaos to come... have this chapter! :D

Chloé Bourgeois was furious. It was nothing new; at least once a day she got annoyed at the mere peasantry in Paris getting in her way or messing up her clothing or worse, her hair. But now, she was beyond annoyed. She was truly angry. She sat on her bed, pouting, as she stared at her phone, an image of the newest Agreste Fashion magazine up where her best and longest friend, Adrien Agreste, smiled up at her from the electronic cover. It was an early spring edition of the newest fashions.

She almost wanted to throw her phone across the room.

It wasn't fair! Adrien was supposed to be in love with her. After all, they were a perfect match; both of their fathers were someone, they were rich, and they'd known each other for years, even before their mothers both were out of the picture. She remembered the fun evenings they had. He'd happily played dolls with her while their mothers gossiped on the couch. When she wanted to play castle, he was always her knight. He always treated her with true respect and honesty and yes, she even put up with his extreme weeb stage when he discovered the world of anime even though most of the stories he watched made her roll her eyes. Honestly, he was just one giant kitten and she loved him for it.

He should not be dating Maritrash of all people.

She slid off of her bed. Her fuzzy slippers, an expensive pair from Mr. Agreste himself which matched the robe and night gown she wore as well, and her hair was up in a bun to help keep her hair's integrity as she slept, made a soft swish on her carpeted floor. Her face was covered in a lush moisturizer. She needed to look her best in the daytime so that everyone could continue to love her as was appropriate for her status.

Well, all it seemed except Maritrash and her squadron of goons.

She nearly screamed at the injustice of the whole situation. The two of them had been vague. They hadn't shared the reasons or the method with any of them as to how the two of them had suddenly become a couple. Adrien had only smiled softly at her when she questioned him; he shook his head, patted her shoulder, and told her to not worry about it and just be aware that he was truly happy with the way things turned out. Of course she couldn't ask Marinette either. The two of them hadn't gotten along since their meeting in their middle school years. Any attempt to discuss a topic would immediately turn into a heated argument which usually ended with her walking away with a forced posture. She had to admit, since Alya's arrival, Marinette had grown a spine. She frowned at the thought.

Maybe if she broke their friendship....

No, that wouldn't work. It would probably only be temporary as well. The two of them were ickly positive and a squabble between the two of them probably wouldn't last more than a couple of days, two months, she wagered, at most.

There had to be something!

She eyed her phone. The hour was late and Sabrina wouldn't be awake. She sighed, knowing that even if she called the girl, she would merely parrot her ideas until she finally came up with something. Honestly. As smart as the girl was, she was about as useful as a broken nail.

No, she would need to think. She would need to plan. One way or another, she was going to get Adrien to herself and Maritrash was finally going to be out of her life for good.

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