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"Come with me, I have something for you," 

"Haven't you already done enough for me today? You deserve a rest," Caitlin laughed before Barry simply just smiled and took her by the hands, as Caitlin started to follow him as they walked through the corridors. 

The light from the outside world was shining in through the windows, most notably the light reflecting off the moon, shining in creating a vast white light in the room. The QAN was in the perfect position for an amazing view of the moon, as well as the many stars and constellations visible from behind the ball of rock. The Lunar Base was also visible from this point, only as a small dot but the different bubble like hemispheres could be seen on the surface, as well as the main control area. The reason this was there was that humanity had sent 300 humans there around 20 years ago, and they were on a mission to give the moon an atmosphere, possibly even strong enough to maintain human life. They were also in a position where a faint red dot was visible, that being Mars. The positioning of the QAN on this night was almost perfect, more or less every amazing sight out here being able to be seen all at the same time. It was truly something, especially from this angle. That was the reason that Barry was secretly taking Caitlin to the observatory, it having the best viewing point on the station and all. 

"Barry, where are we going?" Caitlin asked as the two got into the elevator.

"You will see," he smiled, the elevator lifting up, the pair holding onto each other as the pod experienced the lapse in gravity. The transparent tube they were now in allowed for a certain great view, however, it was nothing compared to what Barry hoped they were about to witness. The entire station could be seen from within the elevator, the dark blue and white lighting pattern really making it stand out among the blackness of space. The three major blades were spinning around the core, as the elevator moved to the second wing, the pair walking out of the capsule and Barry continuing to walk around the command ring, to the top of the bridge.

"Here we are," he said, scanning his retina as they walked into the observatory. The viewing point opposite them had everything which Barry had hoped for, the view of the moon, stars, distant planets, everything.

"Wow, it's... beautiful," Caitlin said, slowly pacing over to the window, placing her hands on the glass faced in front of her, staring out into the mostly empty, yet incredible view layout before her eyes.

"It just so happened that on this day, your birthday, one of the best views available on this ship was present. A view that on average, occurs once every three years or so," Barry said, walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her, causing her to strongly blush.

"Thank you..." she said, her voice slowly trailing away as she looked out to the stars.

"There is one more thing," Barry said, sounding somewhat nervous yet happy at the same time.

"Okay," she said with a massive smile, excited for whatever Barry had in stock for her.

"But first, there is something I want to say, and it may be slightly long, is that okay?"

"Of course it is,"

"Okay, well," Barry started, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Cait, we have been together for a couple of months now, and those months have almost certainly been the best of my life. Despite being stranded on a sinking ship, we have found happiness together, and that is incredible. Back in astronaut training, when us three were going through all the courses, in a way I kind of understand why you acted the way you did. You were so focused on work, so worried that you would fail, so as a result, you didn't dedicate enough time to simply relaxing, taking a step back, letting others in to help you out. But that was okay because that is completely understandable. When we arrived here, I noticed a slow change in your actions. You started to act nicer towards people, started to act more relaxed. Started to act nicer towards me. As if I meant something to you. 

And from there you only continued to ask for my help, ask for my company, and, I think that was when I fell in love with you. The moment you started showing that I made you happy, that I made you feel safe, that really meant something to me. It really meant something to me when I knew that I could help someone, that I could be there for someone, that I could make a difference. And ever since then, ever since we shared our first kiss, ever since we got together, I have never been happier before in my life. It is incredible how much you have changed me for the better, how much you have made me see in myself. Before this, I didn't quite know where my life was going, after my mother died, after everything happened. All I really knew was that I would continue to work in science, rocket science to be specific. However here I am, on a space station, with you. With the girl who I love, Caitlin Snow. 

And if I have learnt anything, it is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

As Barry finished, he looked over at Caitlin to see a couple of tears rolling down her face, her cheeks glowing a vibrant red at the same time.

"Th... Thank you," she muttered, mostly speechless as she looked into Barry's eyes, Barry seeing the current glow visible in hers.

"You have been there for me, made my day every single day, made me happy just by being there for me. This has taken me a lot of thinking, but I think that it will be okay. I know that we have only known each other for about a year, and only properly got to know each other for about two months, however, I feel like we are ready, that this is the right thing to do."

After a quick pause, he pulled a box out of his pocket, getting down on one knee and looking up at Caitlin, who was smiling relatively out of control, the red on her cheeks glowing even brighter than before, which was really saying something.

"Caitlin Snow, will you marry me?"

He opened the box to reveal the ring he had spent the past few weeks creating, causing Caitlin to smile even more.

There was yet another brief moment of silence, Caitlin simply clasping her hands over her face, not taking her gaze off from Barry.

"Yes, yes, of course, I will!" she exclaimed, causing Barry to now be the one smiling, standing up and sliding the ring onto Caitlin's finger.

"It's beautiful! Where did you get it?"

"I made it myself, sorry if it's not..."

"It's incredible, I love it," she replied, cutting him off with her jumping forward and wrapping her arms around Barry, the two embracing in a hug lasting quite a long time before they pulled away and shared a quick kiss. They then proceeded to sit down and look out of the window, Caitlin resting her head on his shoulder and Barry placing his arm around her, his head on hers. The newly engaged couple spent the next few minutes staring out of the window, watching the incredible view from inside the station, seeing the glow of the stars before them.  

"I love you Cait,"

"I love you too,"

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