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Barry and Cisco were sat in the command ring, waiting for certain transmissions to come through onto the ship, giving them further details on the current situation the QAN were in. At the same time, Caitlin was currently in the labs, working on a certain chemical that they could use for the repair. The ship was on its 8th daily orbit around the planet, currently on the bright side of Earth, projecting a small shadow down below, temporarily blocking out a small portion of the sun. The three had spent a few days off due to the organism, now having had been named the Nonapod, causing trouble on the station. However, now everything had cleared up, they were back to work, Cisco and Barry expecting a message from Earth any time now. 

Over the past few days, Barry had been thinking a lot about certain things. About Caitlin, more specifically. He knew that they were both on a space station and that they had only been together for around two months now, however, this particular thought had recently crossed his mind many times. It was easily obvious that the two were more or less made for each other, and they had both been happier than ever before, together on this station. He didn't want to make it seem that he was rushing things, however, he knew what he wanted, and he sincerely hoped that she felt the same way too. He really did love her, that was certainly something. And he really felt that it was an okay time.

Sure, they were on a space station, away from everyone else. But at the same time, there was a chance that they may never leave this station. Unlikely, but a chance. And he knew that he would want to spend that chance with her. With Caitlin.

That is why the thought of proposing to her kept travelling through his mind.

It wasn't just that, either. Over the past few days, he had been deep in work on a certain gift for her, using the resources given to him on the ship, and he had finally come to complete it today, now keeping it safe and secure in a small box. This gift was, in fact, an engagement ring he had spent quite a bit of time creating. It consisted of a silver band, with a weaving pattern embedded on it, the top consisting of a small diamond, which he had received from a recent supply drop, paying for an extra resource to be sent, successfully receiving it and using it to finish off the ring. He planned to at some point give this to her, however, was fairly unsure on the timing.

"Hey Cisco,"


"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course, what's up?"

"Well, I have just been thinking about something. More specifically, Caitlin."

"Okay, what are you thinking?"

"Well, in short, I am planning to propose to her,"

"Really? Here? On the QAN?"

"I know it may not seem like the best place or time, however, I really do feel that we are both ready, despite what it may seem."

"Well, I guess that is understandable. She really does love you, Barry, so I'm sure there is really nothing much to lose, I say go for it, as long as you are sure that it is what you want," Cisco replied with a smile.

"Are you sure? What if perhaps, I am overthinking things and that I should wait a bit longer," he said, sounding somewhat paranoid.

"Barry, don't panic. You should honestly hear the way she talks about you when you aren't around, frankly she just paints you two as the most adorable couple," he said with a small laugh at the end.

"Okay, okay yeah, perhaps I will. I believe that it is her birthday tomorrow, so, perhaps I could do it then?"

"That sounds great, a great idea," Cisco said, turning back to the computer to check for any transmissions.

"Okay," Barry replied with a smile, being reunited with a sense of hope.

"So, what is your whole general plan then?" Cisco asked, continuing the conversation.

"Well, obviously this will be my gift for her, to be perfectly honest I just hope to be there for her for the whole day, as long as she is happy I am."

"That sounds fine, good plan," he said, just as the computer made a small beep sound.

"The message is here," 

A small static sound started to play before the message came through.

"To the crew of  Amor Fabula II, we have an important announcement to make. We are having further difficulties with the solution to this problem. As much as it pains to say, it is looking less and less likely that the solution will be found in time. It is still possible, however, that it will be fixed. But there is one problem. You have a choice. You three can stay on the ship, risk your lives, and up the chance for a solution to be found. Or, you can return home, and we shall direct the QAN on a course to Venus with some thrusters we can send up, to self-destruct there. The choice is up to you. I am truly sorry to have to put this amount of pressure on you.

Harrison Wells, signing out."

There was a brief pause, the two looking at each other, only to be broken by Cisco talking through the COMMS.

"Caitlin, can you please come up here now," 

After around two minutes, Caitlin entered the room, seeing the pair look surprisingly surprised, causing the natural smile on her face to disappear.

"What's up guys?"

It took another minute or so, but Cisco showed Caitlin the message, causing her to gain the same level of surprise on her face.

"Well... What are we going to do?" Caitlin said, breaking the silence.

"I'm not sure..." Cisco said, looking the pair in the eyes.

Barry and Caitlin shared a quick look, speaking to each other without words and then giving a small nod to one another.

"Cisco, how about you go back to Earth," Barry started.

"We will stay here. It will be helpful having someone who has been on the ship both up here and down there."

"Are you sure?" Cisco said, fairly speechless at what had just been said.

"Yes," they both said in union.


"Are you sure you two will be okay?" Cisco asked all dressed up in his suit, standing before one of the escape pods.

"Yes, we will," Caitlin said, looking over at Barry and smiling.

"Good luck getting down there," Barry said, nodding over at Cisco.

"I will. Don't worry you two, we will sort this out. I promise," Cisco said, reassuring the couple.

"Thank you," Caitlin said, shuffling a bit closer to Barry.

"Also, this has all been great. Thanks so much guys," Cisco mentioned, walking over and hugging Barry, afterwards doing the same with Caitlin.

"Cisco, this isn't goodbye," Barry laughed, before continuing. "With you down there, we will find out a way to solve this."

They shared one last nod, before Cisco stepped into the pod, the capsule blasting out of the station and into space, falling down towards Earth.

"Well, it is just me and you now," Barry said, taking hold of Caitlin's hand.

"Yep. Just me and you," she smiled, leaning in for a quick kiss, as the pair walked over towards the living quarters, now hundreds of miles away from anyone else, yet still together, enjoying this time.

"Do you think everything will be okay?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes, of course, it will, I promise," Barry said, snuggling up closer to Caitlin.

"Well, this is certainly something, hey," she replied.

"Yeah, yeah it is," he said, followed by a small silence as the couple stared out the window, looking down at the bright blue glow of the Earth below.

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