"I got a bee in my bonnet, and that bee's name is government waste. Earlier today, I saw a state employee in the person of one Verna the lunch lady throw away 300 pounds of precious, expired turkey gravy simply because Uncle Sam said there were too many weevils in it. Well, you know what has no expiration date, voters? My rage. I have in my hand the budget for the McKinley High production of West Side Story, a musical about a race war that glorifies gang violence, yet still seems extraordinarily gay." Coach Sue says from the tv. Dad turns his face to the tv and frown. "This is a top secret document, Ohio, and we're opening it up tonight. $2,004, Ohio. That's a year's salary for a public school math teacher wasted on fake switchblades and the soft packing of teen dance belts. If this nation wants to impress its future Chinese overlords, we need to get our priorities straight. And that's why I encourage every Ohioan to call McKinley High School and sing them this song. "I'm fed up and angry, too, and I agree with Candidate Sue." And that's how Sue sees it."

"She cant just cut the budget for musical." Dad protest.

"Dad, you know her. She will always do anything to ruin glee club." I roll my eyes.

"Do you know how much budget list for cheerios pom-pom every month? It's $4000. How could cheerios budget is as big as my salary each month?" Dad frowns at me.

"I'm just a student, dad. I didnt know about that." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"This is crazy." Dad shakes his head.

"Dad, calm down." I said to him and feed him a spoon of ice cream then chuckle. "Be cool." I chuckle.

"Maybe this is the reason why everyone love ice cream include you." Dad chuckles.

"Because ice cream is the most delicious one in this world." I giggle. "Forget about coach Sue you know you'll always win." I grin at dad.

"You're right." Dad nodded and smiles at me.

"Paris is always right, daddy." I chuckle.

Dad just chuckles and shake his head then turn his face to the table and continue grading some paper. Suddenly my phone is vibrating and Mike just texted me and asking what am I doing.

I just answer his text and took a picture of me and dad who is busy with his work then send it to Mike then go back watching tv.


I'm sitting down in the choir room as Mike is sitting down next to me and having his arm around my shoulder and we all turn our face to Tina who cant stop crying because Mercedes is officially quit the glee club and move to join Miss Corcoran's group.

"You know what, girl Chang? If you cry every time someone gets a hangnail, it kind of starts to lose its effect." Santana says to Tina.

"It's not a hangnail. Mercedes was one of Glee's original members. I feel naked in here without her." Tina's sobbing.

"Yeah, well, get used to it, 'cause without her singing for us, we're going to have to perform naked for the judges to vote for us at Sectionals." Puck says to us.

"No. I will not let this setback crush our spirits. I mean, we have handled worse. Than losing one of our best singers?" Dad says to us.

"Kind of hard not to blame you, Mr. Schue. Think you were too hard on her at Booty Camp." Quinn simply said.

"I blame Artie. Why couldn't you have just given Maria to Mercedes?" Tina turns her face at Artie.

"Because that would have damaged my integrity as an artist." Artie simply said.

"Sorry I am late. I was putting up posters for my for my campaign." Rachel walks in.

"Did you airbrush out your jowls?" Kurt mocked her.

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