chapter 69

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this is the story about a dude laying on a bed typing in front of a computer. Now the dude is pretty bored, right? that's why he's writing a shitty story on a site he has never been on. Since the story is plain and boring let's just say the dude dies because apparently, that's the only way to make a story interesting nowadays (Obviously joking).

ok, so we have no characters now... fuck, now what. Hmmm... how bout this, the dude (which I haven't given a name to yet) is in hell, why hell? because why the hell not amirite, once in hell the dude questions the reason as to why he was sent there because to his judgement he's a nice guy, some demons come and tell this dude that he is bad, bad because he doesn't taste good, the dude came to an understanding and accepted the reasoning behind what just happened (even tho its completely bullshit).

by this point in time the author was running out of ideas, it was also getting pretty hot in the room so it was kinda annoying to be writing at the same time of handling the heat, so what did the author do? nothing.

fuck this shitty ass story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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