"I love you too, baby. And Theodore loves you so much." Will says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

"Nana, Mima, Grandma, Pipo and Pop are coming very soon! They have landed and they are getting their suitcases then calling Ubers." RJ says as Coralei runs around happily.

RJ kisses Will softly. "I love you so much." RJ says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"I love you too! Go ahead and take a shower babe, I'll be fine with these two." Will says and RJ smiles.

"Well, if you need me, just call. I love you, babe." RJ says as he kisses Will again.

"Be good for Daddy, baby girl! Have fun with Theodore, Daddy and Dobby!" RJ says. "Otay, Papi!" Coralei says with a big smile.

Coralei runs back over to her blocks and toys and Will puts Theodore in his swing. Theodore looks around and Will smiles.

"Hi, baby boy. Hi! Are you watching sissy playing?" Will says as he rubs Theodore's head. Dobby walks over and sniffs him.

Theodore looks at Dobby and lifts his arm to try and pet him.

"Theodore has been grabbing at things and he is only one week old like how is that even possible? He is such a smart boy." Will says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"I think the nickname we decided for Theodore is Teddy. We were going to pick Theo, but I think Teddy is cuter. But if Theodore wants to be called Theo when he's older then we will let him choose." Will says as Coralei runs over to him.

Will hugs Coralei and smiles. "Ba ba!" Coralei says pointing to Theodore. "Yeah, that's baby brother Theodore, huh? He's looking at you!" Will says as Coralei walks over to him.

Coralei covers Theodore's feet up and smiles. "Good girl, Coralei! Be soft, be soft." Will says and Coralei giggles.

Coralei kisses Theodore and then runs over to her toys again. "Cora bear loves her baby brother! She's adjusting very well and she's a wonderful big sister." Will says and Dobby lays next to him.   

An hour later, Karen, Hank, Janice, Ricardo and Martha have arrived!

"Hey guys!" RJ says as he opens the door. RJ helps Hank and Ricardo bring all the suitcases upstairs.

"Hi, Grandma, Mom and Martha! Thank you guys for coming!" Will says as he hugs his Grandma, Mom and Martha.

"How are you feeling?" Martha asks as she kisses Will's cheek. "I feel great! I feel really good." Will says.

"That's great! Where's the baby?" Martha asks as she, Karen and Janice sit.

"He's in his swing! I'll go get him." Will says as he giggles and picks up Theodore.

RJ, Hank and Ricardo walk down the steps and sit down on the other couch. Coralei runs over to RJ, Hank and Ricardo.

"Hey, big girl! Look at you running around!" Hank says as he picks up Coralei and blows on her stomach, making her laugh.

"Hi!" Coralei says as she waves at everybody. "You are not shy at all, huh?" Ricardo says as he smiles at Coralei.

"She is! You are a big girl!" Karen says as she does silly faces to Coralei making her giggle.

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