"Hey Christopher, can you cover for me right now? I'm taking my break." asking for a favor, when the other lad came, he didn't say anything, only nodded with a smile.

"Thanks man, your the best." the short one with wavey short hair, said his graditude at his friend that looked like about the same as him, smiling.

Then he just walked away, leaving both of us again alone with eachother.

We took our seats, but I wasn't trying to make eye contact so I played with the sleeve of my outfit, quietly crying.

I could feel his gaze on me, like it was burning into me, waiting for something to be said out of my mouth.

"Con, tell me. I barely met you yesterday, and now I'm seeing you cry, I don't like it. Also, these were the same clothes you had on yesterday, so something is clearly wrong. What about James? What do you mean he's leaving?" the guy who I just met yesterday, knew me too well now and was worried about my feelings and emotions at this time.

Regardless of me being a volcano erupting more tears as each moment passed, I told him.

"When-n we-e were-e he-re yest-erday-y, a-a photo-grapher-r told-d James-s to-o model-l for-r her-r, sin-nce she-e had-d no-one-e. So-o she-e took-k him-m to-o a-a shoot-t, and-d when-n he-e got-t home-e, he-e recieved-d a-a call-l for-r an-n of-fer-red modeling-g job-b. It's in-n Cal-ifor-nia, but-t the-e worst-t part-t is-s th-hat he's actually-y considering-g of going-g." I had no control over me, I let myself go into a sobbing before continuing on.

"I-I don't-t know-w what-t to-o anymore-e, I don't-t want-t him-m to-o leave-e! I-I love-e him-m, why-y can't-t he-e see-e tha-at!? If-f I-I didn't-t let-t her-r ta-ake him-m to-o that-t dumb-b photoshoot-t, then-n none of this-s would've happened-d! He-e would've stayed-d, and-d I-I would've told-d James-s I-I love-e him-m!  But-t now-w the-e person-n I-I care-e about-t is-s thinking-g about-t taking-g it-t, and-d I-I don't-t want-t him-m to-o. Erick-k, please-e help-p me-e. What-t am-m I-I supposed-d to-o do-o?" I rambled on and on, placing all emotions on the line, with a shattered soul, not to mention heart.

"Man, I think the only option you have is to accept whatever he chooses, but that doesn't mean you don't have to tell him your feelings for him. That's my advice to you because seeing you like this, is literally making me feel your pain. You don't deserve this." What he told me, made me confused because I already accepted the fact he will never be with me.

"Wh-at do-o you-u mean-n? I-I al-lready-y know-w he-e can-n never-r feel-l the-e sa-ame-e way-y I-I do-o." staring dead straight into his bright blue pupils, I sounded so hopeless.

"But he still needs to know how you feel, even if he doesn't feel the same. You have to find a way to confess to him, before he leaves. Atleast he will know. Rather he goes or not."

"How-w am-m I-I going to-o do that-t?" I needed his advice or ideas on how to do it, anything was worth trying.

"I have no idea, but that's up to you. I know you can think of something." Curving up his mouth, politely while mine turned into a frown.

He was right though.

"You never know, he could stay after all." I felt like he was so sure about that because he had a chirpy voice, but I doubt it.

"I doubt-t it-t, but-t thank-you for-r listening-g to me-e cry-y and those-e supportive-e words-s. That-t means-s alot-t to-o me-e. You're a-a great-t friend-d." I finally had a genuine smile on, but tears still wanted to flow out, and I still sounded like a squeaky little mouse.

"No problem Con, don't mention it. I'll always be here if you want someone to talk to. We should hang out sometime, you know, when I'm not working." He started chuckling, that caused me to do the same.

"I'd like that, i'll be touring in a couple days but when I get back we should definitely hang out." I agreed to the plan of the blue-eyed waiter. 

"I guess I better be going, back to reality. But thanks again." Standing up from where I was, he did the exact thing too and we hugged once again, but he looked at me when we let go.

"Everything is going to be okay. " he had a small sparkle in his eyes, and that was hope I felt like,  but I'm slowly loosing it.

Will it be okay?

That pretend smile returned, because this is what he wants to see.

"Do you want me to give you a ride a again?"

"No, it's alright. I'll take the bus back, but thanks, and yes I am sure." I specifically stated I was sure, because he's still working and I didn't want to bother him.

"Okay okay, be safe then. Also have fun on tour...well try. Plus, please call me for reals this time if something happens!" ordering I do that, he sounded like Brad and Tristan.

"I will mom, chill." I joked, grinning for real again, because the bossy guy gave me Chinese eyes.

"Bye, dude." I waved goodbye, at him before heading out and he did as well. 

I then was outside of the place, moving myself towards the bus stop that I was once waiting at for when I came here, now going back home.

I don't really want to go back home, to see his face, and just crumble down again when I'm alone.

But I have to. 

*Time Skip to Band House *

At the destination that is the band house because of the bus dropping me off, I was now by the front door of my house, putting my key in it, and twisting the handle to get in.

Once I was in, I became face to face with all three of my bandmates, and manager.

They all looked so serious, and I was starting to get worried as to why that was.

"Connor, your here. I guess you should hear the news then." Joe started.

What news?

"James has decided to take the modeling job offer in California, and he wants to leave as soon as possible so he's leaving tomorrow morning." the black haired man announced.

I felt my whole world spin, and turned colorless. I was frozen.

He's leaving.

Darling Won't You Stay?~ Jonnor Mcball Fanfic  Where stories live. Discover now