He's Leaving

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Connor's P.O.V

I was finally infront of the small little cafe after walking endlessly to the bus stop with the wind hitting my face that was a mess with tears.

It didn't take long for me to arrive, because the bus ride was quicker than I thought it would be.

I probably looked like a complete weirdo with a teary filled front infront of everyone one on the bus, staring right at me.

But I was aching with emotional heartbreaking pain to even care about that.

Trudging to take the handle of the door that belonged to the coffee place, I opened it and went inside.

Hoping once I was in the warm comforting place, that I would see Erick or run into him,I was correct.

He was right in the middle of serving some people at a table, giving them their coffee drinks, but as soon he was finished, he turned around and saw me.

That's when he walked foward to me, with his kind smile and then opened his mouth to speak when he was standing horizontal to me.

"Hey. I was expecting your call of how everything went yesterday, but I never got one. So, how did it go? Are you guys together already? Please tell me you are." seeing him all happy, hoping that I told James how I felt was enough to make me start shedding tears because I knew that him and I could never be together.

Because he will never love you, he's thinking about leaving for crying out loud!

I shook my head, looking down with water coming out of my blue ones, making a ocean of droplets.

"Connor what's wrong? Why are you crying?" my new friend, had concern in his voice, while pulling me in for a hug which I was hoping he would of.

I cried into his shoulder, not paying attention if people were looking at me and the state I was in.

"He-e's lea-ving-g." my voice starts shaking and being stuttering, sounding very high-pitched even if I was talking into the brunette haired lad's shoulder, stuffing my face into it.

As soon as he heard those words, Erick got out of the embrace having a confused and sadden look in his eyes, maybe because of how he's seeing me now.

"What do you mean he's leaving?" he questioned, but I don't want to tell him, because that will make me feel worse and shred my heart even more, but I knew I had no other choice other than to.

I kept my mouth shut for a few moments with running water down my cheeks that looked very pale, before he basically ordered me to sit down at one of the tables.

"Please sit down, I want to know what's going on and why you're like this." he was having pleading eyes, and he reminded me of me if I were to beg the sandy-haired guitarist to stay.

I still remained quiet, because I didn't want to speak more of this, if I'm broken already.

James broke me.

"Dude, please? I want to help you with whatever it is that happened and what your feeling right now." asking one last time, I gave in.

"Okay-y." sadness and stumbling over my words were getting the best of me right now, and I feel like a pathetic loser right at this moment.

But either way, I found a spot at a table that we could sit at for me to pour out what I'm thinking and feeling since last night, to the young waiter.

So, I sat down with my head down and plopping down in the chair.

The other boy hasn't even sit down yet, but he called another guy over, to inform him probably that he's going to a conversation with me.

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