Chapter 7

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Decided to skip out on the sleepover

Chapter Text

Jungkook POV

"Wow! Jimin eats so neatly! Jungkook you should learn from Minie." I rolled my eyes and continued to play in my food.

Later on Jin was trying to go home but I wanted to stay and play with everyone else. "Sorry Joon I have to get home and deal with this brat." Okay that hurt he didn't have to call me a brat.

It wasn't until we got home that I heard what he really wanted to say. I was gonna sneak up on him and scare him while he was on the phone when I heard him say "I wish he was more like Minie. He's getting to be too much." I slowly backed away from the door.

It's always about Minie. How good Minie is and how cute he is. I don't wanna be like Minie. I went into my little room and cried myself to sleep with a hidden plan of ruining Jimin.

The next time we went over I was playing with Jimin when I broke a vase. Time to play innocent. "Minie please don't tell Jin I don't wanna get spankies. They really hurt." I even let out fake tears for dramatic effect. "I'll take the blame okay? Don't cry. Minie doesn't want you to cry."

Jin came in and saw him crying. I immediately straightened my face. "Jimin broke your vase hyung. I told him to stop running around like you said but he didn't."

Jimin had a bewildered face but I faked and mouthed I'm sorry. That seemed to have worked because he was already apologizing. "I'm sorry hyung. He's right. I should've listened."

I could see fury in Jin's eyes as that was his favorite vase. "Jimin this is unacceptable coming from you. Give me your hand." I smiled in pleasure of this punishment cause hand slaps hurt 10x worse when Jin does it.

I heard a satisfying slap across his hand. "Don't do it again Minie." I held back my laughter and went Jimin as he left. "Sorry Minie. I've been bad recently and I'm trying to make it up to Jin by being good but I just can't stop messing stuff up."

He gave me a hug. "I'll take the blame as many times as I need to okay. Kookie needs to be good so Jin can love you more." I smiled sinisterly behind his back. "Thanks Minie. But remember. Don't tell."


The next time I did something I got caught but an even better thing happened. Jimin started to do worse things to take the attention off of me. I once ripped up Jin's grocery list and Jimin spilled all of the milk. "Jimin what has gotten into you? Give me your hand."

He hit it twice this time. His hand looked a bit swollen but I didn't care. Who was he to try and take all the attention off of me from Jin?

Then another time I broke some crying and Jimin just ripped up the entire notebook. It made me mad cause that was my favorite. I wouldn't have gotten scolded for broke crayons, what is he doing?

"Jimin! You ripped up my favorite one!" I heard Jin rush downstairs. "Jimin! Why are you causing of much trouble?" He came and hit his hand 3 times.

Jimin yanked his hand back. "Owie! I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again!" Jin only sighed and went back to his room.

"What are you doing. The crayons weren't that serious. Be careful Jin might get really mad at you." Jimin onlyou frowned. "Well if you didn't do bad things so much I wouldn't have to cover for you stupid."

Did he just call me stupid? I pushed him against the wall. "Maybe if you stopped acting like you're so perfect I wouldn't have to act bad. Jin said I should act more like you. He even said I was too much. It's your fault!

I didn't get how anyone could like you anyway. You're stupid and ugly. You'll never be like me cause I'm good at everything. Remember you're new to this so you'll don't have unconditional love like I do. Namjoon could just drop you like the potato you are-" I felt a stinging sensation on my face.

I started wailing out for Jin. "Fuck you!" Bingo.

He said just as Jin was coming downstairs. "Did you just curse in little space? Jimin. Upstairs. My room. Now." He went upstairs with s terrified look on his face. Honestly I was kinda scared too. No matter what I did Jin has never spanked me. Ever.

I heard him on the phone with Namjoon. I ran to the door. "Jungkook had been acting way better. I guess I was wrong about Jiminie. He broke my vase, spilled all the milk, ripped up Kookies coloring book and then he hit him amd caused in little space."

I smiled at my success. "You said 10 hits. I'm not going easy on him. Alright bye Joon." I ran away from the door and sat a the tv. He came towards me and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry you got hit Kookie. Go eat some cookies and turn the tv up okay?"

After he retreated upstairs I got some cookies like he said but before I turned the TV up I heard a blood curdling scream. I felt a chill go down my spine. Another one came and I heard Jin yelling at him.

I started to get worried. He had to get 10 of these. I turned the TV up which helped but only a little. "You did not just talk back! GIVE ME YOUR HANDS! YOU GET 5 EACH! NOW SIT UP HERE AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DID TODAY!"

He came back downstairs and cuddled me into his lap. Just then Joon came through the door. "Is he upstairs? JIMIN!"

Minie came downstairs with a heavy limp and his hands were really swollen. His face was tear stained and snotty. Even his cheeks looked like they'd been hit with how swollen they are. "Let's go and apologize to Kookie before you leave."

He looked directly at me with empty eyes. "I'm sorry."

I watched them leave and I felt the guilt begin to eat at me.

I saw Minie come in the school still limping and I had to look away. He looked so tired like he didn't sleep at all. I went to talk to him. "Hey Minie. How did you sleep?" He didn't even look at me. "I slept alone. Are you happy now?"

He walked into his dance class.

I went into my vocal class still thinking about him. "Was I really that jealous? I was way too harsh. I know! I'll apologize after class."

Well that came way too soon. I went to his class and saw him lifting girls up with his beaten hands. Most of his falls were onto his but and I could see him visibly wincing. His teacher started yelling. "Is there something wrong with your butt?"

"Yeah! He got too much from Namjoon last night! Faggot!" Some guy in the back of the class yelled. I qat hed as they made fun of him and they made him dance again over and over until it was right. I decided to go to lunch.

I was waiting for Jimin to show up instead. "Jimin said he wanted to sleep alone yesterday so I did. I don't know why he seems so off. What he did yesterday doesn't sound like him at all."

I swallowed harshly. Lunch was over and I still hadn't seen him. I checked the dance room again a nd there was crying in the studio.

"MINIE I'M SORRY! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN DOR.THIS TO HAPPEN!" I let him.cry into my shoulder. "I just wanted Jin attention. He never gives me attention cause he always praises you and Taetae. Always wanting me to be like you guys but I can't. I can't act cute and I'm not the nicest person but I try. I thought he was going to leave me. That's why I wanted to get back at you.

But it went so wrong! I'm so sorry!"

He was silent for a minute. "I forgive you. I won't tell okay? But I'm happy you apologized. I forgive you."

He gave me a hug. "I'm sorry I hit you. That probably hurt." I shook my head. "It's okay I deserved it. You can hit me again if you want."

He kissed my cheek instead making me blush. "Kookie is cute today. I won't hit you ever okay?"

I smiled and nodded. "Okay."

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