2. Madame Benoit has terrible balance

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        If there was one thing I regret about fighting 80's surfer dude was accidentally pushing Madame Benoit into a desk. Well the other thing was not remembering mystery surfer dude had on a Temop Prep alumni ring on.

I'd have the imprint of the ring on my face for months.

At least, my nose wasn't gushing like the broken water fountain in the Jr boys' locker room. California surfer hair guy had his head tilted back on the Headmaster's sea green lounge chairs. His hand was wrapped tightly around a black pocket square that was helping close the leaking dam that was his nose.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't expel you Emerson?" Headmaster Adams held his nose up high and somehow found a way to look down at surfer bo-Emerson. I always wondered how the man could be at complete eye level with someone but still maintain an air of hierarchy.

Emerson took some final dabs at his nose and removed the cloth. "Because section 2 code 5 of Temop Preps rule book states that all parties involved  in an altercation are to be disciplined with what the headmaster sees fit."

Headmaster Adams almost smiled at Emerson, almost. "Who do you think made the rule book Emerson?"

Emerson's grey eyes seemed to become a more steely tint. "You did, Sir."

"So who do you think enforces said rules?" Headmaster Adams had basically said check mate.

"You Sir." Emerson stared at anything but Headmaster Adams.

I couldn't stop the tiny smile that crawled its way onto my face.

"I don't know what you find humorous about this situation Perry but as Emerson pointed out, I will have to punish the both of you. What do you consider a fair punishment Mr.Lucre?"

I went to correct him on my name but thought better of it. "Well since this is my first infraction, I say a warning would suffice." I smiled warmly at the wrinkling headmaster.

"No." Headmaster answered making my smile slip. My eyes involuntarily bulged out of my head. Emerson snickered to the left of me. I was too caught up in the devastation of being told no to care about his amusement towards the situation.

"You steam rolled through my staff member, that cannot go unpunished...make sure your father is aware of that detail."

"Incredible! Fucking Incredible, he's not getting in trouble because he provoked and attacked me, but because Madame Benoit has shit balance! In-Fuckin-Credible" Emerson folded his arms across his chest.

I couldn't stop it I let out a big belly laugh. My cheeks burned and tears dripped out of my eyes. "Madame Benoit.." I breathed through laughter "has shit balance!". Repeating it made me release more laughter, which physically made my stomach hurt.

I looked at Emerson who had a little smirk on his face and was probably trying to contain his laughter. Headmaster Adams looked at me pointedly and leaned back in his chair. I held my hands up in surrender and tried to steady my breathing." I'm done, I promise."

I winked at Emerson, and gave Headmaster Adams a bat of my eyelashes.

"Anyways, Perry as your punishment you're not allowed to compete in the Worlds Competition on Saturday...

Oh fuck me.

...and Emerson you're banned from soccer, and practices for the next two months, hopefully that will teach you..."

I wasn't allowed to compete in the Worlds competition? I've been training for that shit for three months, my fucking dad is supposed to come. The Worlds Competition had the smartest people in it from around the world. It was a live action test on any, and every subject.

My dad won it when he was 16 and I was already 18 and couldn't break Top 5 in the competition. I got sixth last year and this was my year to get first place. Everyone knew I was going to get first place, and  that's why I invited my dad and he cleared his schedule for it.

This is fucking bullshit.

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