1. Get out of my way Lucre

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                    "Mr. Lucre since you have so much to say to Mr. Jankos I'm sure you'd have no problem translating the passage." Madame Benoit hummed from the front of the classroom waiting for me to translate the passage.

I glared at Rosh, if I didn't have to tell him to shut the hell up because he wouldn't stop talking about his stupid girlfriend cheating, or something, I wouldn't even be in trouble.

"Mr.Lucre, glaring a hole in Rosh's head won't translate the passage for you. *Dépêche-toi!"

"*Tout d'abord, mon nom est Perry Madame Benoit, Mon pere est 'Mr.Lucre'...merci." I edged out. The summer I spent in *Lyon somewhat paid off.

"Perry can you translate the passage, or not?" Madame put her hands on her hip and started strumming them against her hip. I hadn't even glanced at the passage we were reading, and honestly didn't feel like reading it. An involuntary sigh left my lips.

"I'm tired of him making a show of everything! For God sake, I'll translate it." An indignant voice said from behind me. The irritated voice started to translate the paragraph. Rosh tapped my leg and raised his right eyebrow at me. I lifted my forehead just as confused as he was.

I twisted completely around in my seat to see what displeased student had voiced their dislike for my theatrics. I twisted my back to get a good look and saw a smallish guy-well I was kinda tall so everyone was somewhat small to me. His face was familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

He had mid length brown hair that had natural blonde highlights. It curled and waved around his head, like something out of an 80's surfer movie. He tucked a lock behind his ear as he was reading but it was persistent and kept falling right back into his face. His eyes were metallic grey with patches of green and yellow decorating the silver circle. His bottom lip was fat and rosy red, and his top lip laid perfectly above the thick bottom one. His jaw was strong and defined.

His Adam's Apple bobbed up and down as he read. Leading down his neck was the green and black tie of Timop Preps mandatory uniform. Not a button was loose or a piece of fabric wrinkled everything was displayed perfectly on his body. Except his sleeves were rolled slightly up, his hands were dainty compared to mine not much wear and tear at all. His finger was decorated with an Timop Prep Alumni ring.

"You're staring Pear." Rosh whispered in my ear his words were moist as his spittle flew in my ear. I jumped in my seat shaking a chill off.


I wiped my ear exaggeratedly giving Rosh the dirtiest look I could muster.

"Say it don't spray it Ro." He dismissed me with a roll of his eyes. "You were staring y'know, like how you stare when you're on the chase."

"Okay first of all, what did I say about calling it the chase? If word got around that me sleeping with girls was called The Chase, I would be in deep shit." The social suicide that would bring me...Lord I don't even wanna think about it "secondly, the guy I was staring at is exactly that, a guy."

Ro looked at me with dry amusement the left corner of his mouth lifting slightly. Before I could slap him on back of the head for suggesting what I think he was suggesting the bell rung.

"C'mon man." Ro said getting up and grabbing his stuff "we have places to be, important people to see." He said the last part with a menacing edge to it looking behind me. I turned around to see who he was directing his subliminal rage towards, it was the boy from earlier.

He shot a dirty look at Ro and pulled a frustrated hand through his hair. He used the same hand to shoot a middle finger at Ro.

Before he could leave the classroom I stood in front of him stopping him in his tracks. He took a step back so he didn't have to look up to meet my eyes. He was taller than I assumed, not as tall as me but tall.

"Do you have a problem?' He puffed out his chest, challenging me.

"You said 'I'm tired of him making a show of everything' earlier. Have I done anything to you to make you upset with me? My memory is bad." I said sarcastically sweet. As far as I could remember I have never talked to this dude. But I'm not really good at remembering people who don't matter to me.

You'll come to find out that's not a long list of people.

"Get the fuck out of my way Lucre." He said his chest visibly rising and falling. He was clenching and unclenching his fist.

He was lean, and I'm sure he'd do some damage if he punched me in the face, but I knew-and of course he knew- that punching me would ruin his life. My family was too influential to take the risk, and if you're a student at Temop Prep I'm positive you know who I am and what I can do.

I'm also not a weak little baby who needs daddy to protect me and won't back down from a fight.

"Boys!" Madame Benoit had her hand on my arm.

Me and mystery boy had somehow drifted closer together and were sizing each other up. His chest was on mine and I could feel it rising and falling. His breath was warm and fanned over my neck.

"Get the fuck," he gritted out through clenched teeth "out of my face Lucre." Before I could even decide if I wanted to respond he pushed me with all his strength. He sent me flying into desks, in the corner of my eye I could see Ro losing his shit and being held back by students. While they were distracted with Ro,

I lunged.


Dépêche-toi: Hurry up

Tout d'abord, mon nom est Perry Madame Benoit, Mon pere est Mr.Lucre...merci: First of all, my name is Perry Madame Benoit, my father is Mr.Lucre.. thank you

Lyon: is a city in france

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