The endless battle

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The solider in blue noked me hard on the ground. But I wasn't done yet.other wise the title would not be called endless. So I get up in a good fighting stance and get ready for a battle. It tries to kick my head but I block and punch it in the face and nock off its helmet. " Take that mother... Wait your a girl." I say in confusion. So she gets triggered and starts fighting back fast but somewhat slopy. I am able to block all the attacks   and start to retaliate and end up kicking the shit out." Better luck next time" I say with a smirk. I point the pistol to her head and say like a badass" lights out bitch.". But right as I am about to pull the trigger something hit me hard on the head. And heared"oh how the tables have turned." Said the girl. I have passed out at this point.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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