Meet The Lucres

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Too much money.

Too much of fucking everything.

Gluttony is the new black.

Perry Lucre is the human embodiment of wealth. He took what he wanted and got everything he needed. His father owned a high tech computer software company. His mother was the third wife to Perry's father- Perry's dad liked to recall her as his favorite.

WattFord Lucre made his millions by being a computer genius. He excelled in calculus and physics throughout school. He encouraged his son to do the same. WattFord didn't exactly have humble beginnings, his mother was his father's maid -his favorite maid- WattFord was raised by his father and his father's wife.

They spoiled little WattFord even though he was branded with the terrible name of WattFord. When Microsoft released a new model computer WattFord was one of the first people to get it. He loved dissecting and putting the computers back together. He was obsessed with them, his walls were decorated with gadgets and math equations. His long term goal was to make the perfect computer system that was understandable to any and everyone.

That was until he hacked NASA at the age of 17 to see if they were hiding proof of alien life form.

When men in black suits and black tinted sunglasses knocked on Wattford's mansion door his parents weren't too happy with him. They took WattFord's computers away for a month, WattFord wasn't too happy with that, but he could always play with his self-built miniature rockets so it was okay.

The government was so impressed with WattFord's hacking skills that instead of throwing him in jail they hired him as a computer programmer. He worked for NASA for 25 years programming the motherboards in space crafts until he decided it was boring and wanted to get back on track with his original goal. Which was making computer software, he ended up doing that...and more. He made it for the largest computer company of the century WattFord & Co.

His first and only son Perry Lucre is supposed to take over the company as CEO after he receives a degree in computer programming and business administration. To onlookers that seemed far ahead but to Perry it was a dark shadow lurking around the corner, and he was barrel rolling towards said shadow.

If Perry didn't take the position it wouldn't be the end of the world, the company wouldn't spontaneously combust if Perry wasn't at the head of the table making decisions. They were used to Mr.Lucre's "now or your fired" attitude and it had been working for as long as WattFord & Co had been around.

The only person who's world would have spontaneously combusted was Perry Lucre. His mother beat it into his head that taking over WattFord & Co is the only option. It is success and anything less was complete and utter failure and Perry Lucre did not do failure.

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