~Chapter One~

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   "Let all cats gather beneath the High Rock for a Clan meeting!" Nettlestar stood on top of the High Rock. Leafbare came a few days ago, a light snowfall drifted from the sky.

   The breeze rustled Thistlestorm's fur as he and Featherwing came to join the others beneath the High Rock. Bouncestep and Pikepaw sat off to one side. Thistlestorm realized how old Pikepaw was. His warrior ceremony was long overdue.

   "Pikepaw, please come up on the High Rock," Nettlestar looked down at the red-brown tabby.

   Pikepaw bunched his haunches and jumped on the boulder next to Nettlestar, his eyes gleamed with pride.

   "I, Nettlestar, leader of LightningClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn," Nettlestar brushed his tail over Pikepaw's back, "Pikepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

   Pikepaw stood taller, "I will do whatever it takes to protect my Clan. I do."

   Nettlestar twitched his whiskers, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Pikepaw, from this moment you will be known as Pikeleap. StarClan honors your courage and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of LightningClan. You will have your warrior vigil tonight," Nettlestar licked the top of Pikeleap's head.

   "Pikeleap! Pikeleap! Pikeleap!" The Clan cheered.

   Thistlestorm was proud of Pikeleap. The extra training he received did no harm surely. All it could've done was make him a better warrior. Thistlestorm was only a couple few moons older than Pikeleap, and they weren't that close, but he couldn't help but be proud of Pikeleap as if he had been his mentor.

   Featherwing purred, "You should have an apprentice."

   "Maybe one of Yellowgaze's kits," Thistlestorm shrugged, "Just a little less than a moon to wait."

   Thistlestorm loved the idea of having an apprentice. To be able to teach the apprentice not to fear anything, all the fighting skills, and all the hunting skills. He started hoping Yellowgaze's kits would come early. He wasn't sure he could wait for a few quarter-moons.

   Featherwing coughed beside him. Thistlestorm didn't think anything of it, probably just inhaled a snowflake. Then her coughing turned severe. Thistlestorm stared wide-eyed at her.

   "Featherwing, are you okay?" Thistlestorm ignored the stares.

   The coughing started to subdue, "Just... yeah I'm fine."

   "No, you're not," Thistlestorm sniffed.

   "Yes, I -" Featherwing was cut off as Thistlestorm grabbed her by her scruff and dragged her to Flowerstorm's den.


   "Yes?" She was going through her herb stock, setting the shriveled and old ones to the side.

   "Featherwing needs to be treated."

   "No, I don't. I'm - " Featherwing broke off into a coughing fit.

   Flowerstorm looked up, "Put her in a nest, let me find some catmint."

   Thistlestorm dragged his coughing sister into one of the fresher nests. He realized that now there were no apprentices. He grimaced as he realized the warriors would have to start doing apprentice duties. He made Featherwing comfortable, trying to avoid her coughing.

Warrior Cats: Forest of BloodWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu