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Lexi and Jason sat for a time, locked in each others' arms. Jason felt relief that his checkered past hadn't completely scared Lexi off - it wasn't the first time he'd had to come clean about his past to Lexi and he was thankful that absolutely everything was now out in the open.

Their silence was broken by Lexi first. 'Jay?'

'Yes luv.'

'Is Laura still on your phone? Do you still have her number stored?'

Jason removed his hand from where it rested, softly stroking the nape of her neck. He knew why Lexi was asking and couldn't blame her after what he'd just told her. 'No, she's not. I changed my mobile phone number just before I met you and I didn't transfer her number to it. Here, check for yourself,' reaching around, he retrieved his phone from his jeans pocket, handing it to her to check.'

'Jay, I trust you!'

'No. I want you to check. Because if not, you'll always wonder.' Moving his finger down the contacts, he reached the letter L and handed the phone to her. 'You can check all the way through my contacts if you want,' he added, his hand returning to the back of her neck where he resumed his soft stroking.

Lexi bent her head and swiftly glanced at the list and saw Laura's name was indeed missing, before handing it back to him. 'Does she have your address, Jay?'

Shaking his head, Jay looked her in the eye. 'No. I always went to her house. Considering the way we met and that she was a fan, I didn't want to give her my address. I had visions of her stalking me. Given the way she came onto me in that proprietary way at the bar today it was probably sensible.' he joked, hoping to lighten the atmosphere.

Lexi smiled a ghost of a smile and tilted her head slightly so it rested against his. 'I just didn't want her turning up and knocking on our door,' she remarked quietly, thinking that was the last thing she needed at the moment.

'I'm sure that will never happen, luv.'

Lexi yawned, suddenly feeling very tired after the stress of the day. 'I'm so tired. I'm going to go to bed,' she stood up, smoothing her tunic down over her stomach where it had wrinkled up. She kissed him on the forehead, her hand lingering fleetingly on his shoulder for just a moment.

'Ok. I'll be up in a bit.' Jason looked up at her lovingly, his hand reaching up to caress hers as she moved away from him. He wasn't feeling particularly tired and fancied a glass of red wine before he went to bed - after the day he'd had he sure as hell needed it, he mused to himself as he opened the glass cupboard and retrieved a wine-glass, as Lexi disappeared upstairs.

By the time Jason went up to bed, Lexi was fast asleep. Her face relaxed as she slept on her side, a pillow wedged under her bump to help her sleep more comfortably.

When he got home the next night after their performance at Wembley, she was asleep again and it was the same the following night too. On the second night he stood beside the bed simply watching her for a few moments as she slept. He was somewhat disappointed to find her asleep again, but didn't want to disturb her. He knew that she wasn't sleeping well, because she woke up frequently in the night to go to the toilet, but he had hoped she would be awake tonight because he desperately wanted to cuddle her. They hadn't really been intimate for over a week and he not only missed making love, but also simply holding her in his arms. Having Daisy there that weekend hadn't exactly been conducive to sexual relations either and then when Laura had dropped her bombshell he hadn't dared touch her in a sexual way in case she gave him the brush-off.

Sighing, he got into bed and lay there for hours trying to fall asleep. Eventually, at around 4am he fell asleep into a restless slumber.

When he woke up the following morning, Lexi had already left for work. She had left a note saying that she was working until just after lunch and that she would cook dinner for 7pm. Jason decided that he might as well get some gardening done whilst the weather was so beautiful and then maybe go to the gym a bit later on to try and ease some of the kinks out in his back muscles, which were seriously aching after last night's dance-off.

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