CHAPTER 1- Hi I'm Clarsen Jean

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Hello, I am Clarsen Jean and I'm not somebody you would want to mess with.Also, warning to you readers that apparently got hold of this story for whatever reason, I'm the antagonist if this story so if you expect some goody two old shoes, glitter farting girl to be me, chances are, you'll be greatly disappointed and the next lines will be devastating so please get out if the way.

Now, as the previous line has probably proven,I'm the alpha bitch.Not any alpha bitch but the meanest of the meanest alpha bitch in my year-and I embrace it as I mean... what's wrong with being called a bitch?Haters call me bitch but lets be frank, they all would want to be me, I mean who wouldn't?You get admiration,gifts, opportunities...well you get the picture.
Now back to the topic,I'm the classic mandatory girl who is manipulative, calculative and the list goes on.Go add your words as the tale goes I recommend you have a dictionary beside you as sometimes I'm so extreme you'll probably run out of words to describe me. Okay, coming back,Like I said,I go to school (hell I describe it as,only difference between he'll and school is the nasty fluorescent lighting in the hall) in Widiana High.Now here's the fun part, I'm not blonde or a cheerleader, SURPRISE!I bet you were thinking of someone with blonde flowing locks and pom poms.Seriously, these type of stereotypes sucks, who said blondes are always the popular ones?(A good example will be Brittany the Bimbo she is blonde, cheerleader but a real nut case.Thank god I took all her friends away from her- so nice seeing her sit by the dustbin every recess).
Now, about how I look, I mean, you can't have a good story without knowing how the main protagonist how she looks right?
High cheekbones, classic matte skirts, louis Vuitton branded heels (they are higher than most people's intelligence) and my signature,classic Acrombie and Fitch top complemented with a Rolex watch and Prada bag that is elegantly slung on my shoulders. Smooth as silk, dark as ebony- that's how I would describe my hair.I honestly love my hair, they drape perfectly on my shoulders and flow flawlessly onto my bag, like a perfect art piece.I have two beautiful sapphires for my eyes that adds onto my already overflowing charisma.Ah, speaking of charisma, that's what I think gets me going.Despite the fact that I am indeed a bitch, there's is probably something about me that just makes everyone want me, like I am just so precious to them, like I can't belong to anyone else but them.
I totally co tell this school.Yes, control, there's no other word to describe how I am the ring leader of the school.The overrated cheerleaders, the idiotic jocks even down to the pathetic matheletes do my bidding, there's no choice.Unless you would like to be more unpopular than the trashcan or more hated than a cockroach then yeah.
So, like the story so far?I don't really sound like a good girl I'm guessing.But don't worry the tale has just begun, buckle up, I'm gonna start taking you on a roller coaster ride of my life.As of now, we're going fast, furious, and fabulous.

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