"Watchers," Dominique spat in distaste.

Watchers were riders, who with their dragons, were instated by the council to make sure that the laws were kept and no trouble occurred in the city. To Dominique they were an annoying bunch of good for nothings as they always seemed to be everywhere, busting into everyone's business. They had given him problems before and he was well acquainted with their ways.

He jumped into Breeze's mind and used his dragon's eyesight on the Watchers that were steadily growing closer. Seeing that they had what looked like thick tubes strapped to their sides, he let out a groan.

"They have shockers," he winced as he notified Breeze.

Shockers were one of the choice weapons Watchers carried with them. When aimed and shot at their target they would emit a ball of electricity. It was enough to stun anyone that got hit and, depending on what the Watchers had cranked it up to, it could even stun even a fully grown dragon or kill a human.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Breeze asked as he watched the Watchers getting closer.

"Relax," Dominique muttered, though he too felt a bad feeling sink into the pit of his stomach. Yet it lasted only a moment as it was drowned out by the excitement that began to make its way up his spine at the thought of a chase. "They can't see us. The camouflage sheet will keep us well out of sight," Dominique spoke with confidence.

"Unless it rains," Breeze thought dryly referring to their last experience with the camouflage sheet.

"It's not going to rain," Dominique assured him. He licked his dry lips as he watched the Watchers approaching. The way they were heading right towards him as his dragon made him uncomfortable, it was almost as if they knew they were there.

"Hey, Dominic," Breeze thought as he shifted nervously, his eyes glued on the Watchers. "What was that Ray was talking about with Celine, you know, the thing about the heat detector things that the council made to get past the camouflage foil?"

"It was just a rumor going around at the time," Dominique attempted a laugh, yet as the Watchers drew closer and suddenly pulled their shockers from their sides, the laugh cut off.

"Rumors or not, I don't know how, but they see us," Breeze warned as each of the Watchers aimed their shockers at Breeze and Dominique, the ends of them growing an electric blue as they began to charge.

"This isn't good," Breeze muttered as the crackling sound of the shockers reached his ears.

Adrenaline filled Dominique, rushing through his body. "Go, go, go!" He yelled as four blue balls of electricity came their way.

Breeze jumped, getting out of the way just as the four balls smashed into the building one after the other, making the spot they had just been sitting on light up with blue sparks. Breeze dived for the streets below Dominique threw off the camouflage sheet, knowing it would only slow them down. Now that they had been discovered there was no need to hide their presence anymore. As for his identity, the hood of his cloak would shade his face enough for no one to get a good look at it.

As he tossed the sheet aside something told him that Ray was not going to be pleased about him losing another piece of equipment, but at the moment Dominique couldn't care less.

He turned his head to see that the four Watchers had turned their dragons and were in close pursuit, their shockers already recharging as they got ready to aim them.

"Things are about to get a bit electrifying," Dominique commented as Breeze reached the street level and flew closely over a few dragons and riders below. The riders bellowed in anger, shaking fists after both Breeze and Dominique and shouting that it was a no fly zone, yet neither dragon nor rider bothered to listen.

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