"Yeah. Crazy. Like that would actually happen---"

"I know, right?" She glanced over at him, but he was giving her a look she'd honestly never seen. She quickly turned the opposite direction. The intensity of the situation caused her stomach to churn and she quickly sprang up, "Whew, it's getting hot out here. I forgot how hot Miami was..."

"Have you ever been to Miami?" He laughed and kept his eyes on her.

"No. But... well, you know. It's a given that it's hot..."

"Right," He stood and searched her face, but she refused to look at him, "Would it bother you if I said... they weren't wrong?"

"Huh?" She was caught off guard and couldn't help but to stare at him this time. Her eyes locked with his and she didn't have time to comprehend what was about to happen.

He grabbed her other hand and pulled her closer, "You heard me." His voice was a whisper as he leaned in closer and held her gaze.

She felt a shiver run over her skin. Her eyes slipped closed simply because she couldn't deal with looking at him. There was no way Jess could deny it with him looking at her like that. She was just about to speak when in an unimaginable event took place. His hands landed on her face and he pulled her to him and kissed her. There was so much passion and energy between the two, even if she'd wanted to stop it she couldn't have.

He pulled her even closer, if possible, and when he felt her loosen up against him, he deepened the kiss. There were no words to describe the feelings he was having. Even in his wildest dreams, he didn't know it was possible to feel so much for someone.

Her hands moved to tangle in his hair and she still wasn't sure it was real. Even if it were a dream, she was going to make the best of it. She'd waited twenty years for this moment, and from the looks of it, so had he.

Feeling breathless, he broke the kiss and stared into her eyes.

She covered her mouth in shock. Her lips were on fire and she still wasn't sure what to make of it. Every inch of her body was wanting to be closer to him and wanting him to do it again. There was a hint of worry, though, as to wondering if he'd enjoyed it or he'd regret it later.

"Wow," He touched her face and pulled her close. His head rested on hers and he smiled, "Why did that take me so long-"

She giggled and felt shy, but didn't move, "I've thought about that so many times but never once did I imagine---"

"You've thought about it?" He kissed her again, sweetly, and pulled her into his embrace, "I have a confession," This had to be the single most amazing moment of his life, and he knew, it would only get better from here, "So have I..."

"So, you're telling me you had rather NOT be in the All-Star game? Ender, that makes no sense," Bristol was confused as she walked along side of him, hand in hand, "That's like me saying I want to come to the beach but I don't want to get in the ocean."

"Okay, but... I never get to watch good games. And besides, I'd just show everyone up."

"Right," She giggled and knew he was being playful, "Hey look- it's Dans and Jess," She broke away from him and moved towards her best friends, "HEY GUYS! Care if we join you?"

Dansby and Jessalyn both jumped about a foot apart and stared at their friends in shock. Neither knew what to say or do, but quickly they pulled their hands back to themselves, "Uhh, hi... Bris.." Dansby finally spoke, "What are you doing out here?"

Bristol raised an eyebrow at them and looked between them both, "It's a beach. We're on vacation," She had no idea what was up with that. She watched as Ender put a towel down right beside theirs. Once he'd finished, she sat down, "What are YOU doing out here?"

"We're on vacation-" Jess mused, "DUH, like what else would we be doing? Not like... anything else to do. Just watching waves--"

Ender glanced at Bristol before looking at them and back to Bristol, "Algo esta arriba."

"I agree," She nodded. Something was up. And the pair was clueless to his Spanish, "We're not like... intruding by sitting here, are we?" Bristol laid back on the towel and closed her eyes.

"What? NO. Why would you be intruding? Just two friends... sitting on the beach." Jess nervously laughed.

"We gathered that much." Ender smiled at them and laid down beside Bristol. She was so relaxed and happy. He rolled over onto his side and laid his hand across her mid section and pulled her close to him.

"If I have a tan line of your arm across my stomach I swear-" She laughed and pulled her shades down to look at him, "Don't give me that look."

"Don't worry about tan lines."

"You-" She sat up and playfully shoved him as he did the same, "I'm going swimming."

Jessalyn watched her as she walked to get in the water. Ender wasn't far behind and before long they were just being playful and having a great time. She sighed as she laid her head on Dansby's shoulder, "I'm so envious of her..."

"Wait, what?" He stared down at her with a frown, "You like Ender too?"

"HUH? No-" She laughed and shook her head, "I'm envious of her because I want to be that open and not shy--"

"You didn't seem to shy five minutes ago," He reminded as his hands laced with hers, "It'll get easier and until then, you take the time you need to process... it."

It? She was confused. What was 'it' anyway, and how did she ask Dansby to define it? She couldn't. She'd just live in wonder and pray that she could actually come out with her real feelings before it was too late.

Swing for the Fences (Dansby Swanson/Ender Inciarte)Where stories live. Discover now