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Merry Christmas Andy.

Sorry, who's is this?

Scott McCall

Hey, Scott.
Sorry if that was rude.
Most people usually let me
know who they are before starting a conversation.

Sorry about that.

It's cool. How'd you get my number?

Not that I mind that you have it.
Just wondering.




How'd he get it?

No idea.
Did he mention his father is the sheriff?

That sucks.

More like thank god.
You have no idea how much he's helped us.
P.S he knows about me and my friends.

Oh, then I guess you can see it that way.

The only person who knew about me was Derek and my best friend Noey. Now you guys know and I'm hoping it stays that way.

Of course it will.
Hopefully, you're not put in a
position where you have to tell them.

What do you mean?

After a few months my mom
found out because she was held
against her will. I was shot at.
I just haven't told my dad. I think
He suspects something.

Then maybe you should tell him.
Everyday I want to tell
my parents but I'm also afraid.
Especially now that my step
mom had the baby.

You're scared you'll be kicked out?


I've got your back Andy.
I'll always have your back.

Thank you, Scott.

Hanging on -Scott McCall InstagramDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora