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So, tell me why my mom sent me this morning.

So, tell me why my mom sent me this morning

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When did she take that?

I don't know,
Sometime last night during the movie.

We cute.

I guess.

We cute.


We hella cute.

That's more like it


It's just funny hearing you say it, that's why.
My dad and Leigh Ann had
a good laugh from it.

Anyways, we still haven't heard from Derek.
We went to his loft,
but it's been empty for week  and we found something.

What did you find?

What did you find?

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This bullet.
The Calaveras have him.
We're leaving for Mexico tonight.

As in leaving the country or New Mexico.

Mexico, as in leaving the country Mexico.

I was wondering, do you want
to come help us out?

This is Derek we're talking about.
I'd do anything to help him,
but I don't have a passport.
Believe it or not I never thought
I would need one so I never asked
either one of my parents.

Doesn't your future involve you traveling the world?

Yeah, but like you said. The future.
As in after graduation.

When do you leave?

We're leaving as soon as
Malia and Kira get here.

Also, if anyone asked, we're going camping.

Camping, nice and believable.

Can I text you later?

Hanging on -Scott McCall InstagramWhere stories live. Discover now