The Carnival

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The weekend had finally arrived. And luckily for the kids, less so for the adults, a carnival had come to town. Lucy didn't even know about the carnival till Nastu burst through her window and bellowed,
"The carnival is in town! Come on Lucy! Let's go!" Natsu's sudden entrance earned a terrified shriek from Lucy who was previously asleep and a swift kick to the face.
"DON'T JUST BREAK INTO SOMEONE'S HOUSE WHEN THEY'RE SLEEPING!!" Lucy protested angrily as she glared at the man now clutching his cheek on her floor.

"Ouchies! That really hurt! Why are you so mean to me Lucy?!" Natsu whimpered, his black puppy eyes glossing over as he gazed up at Lucy.
"You broke into my house, again! How many times do I need to tell you to use the door?!" Lucy bellowed irritably, pointing her finger in the direction of her front door. Lucy took a deep calming breath before she spoke again.
"Why are you even here? And what did you so rudely yell when you came in?" Lucy asked as she gently plopped onto her cream sheets, feeling a sharp pain surge through her head from her abrupt awakening.

"Oh yeah. The carnival is in town today. We should go!" Natsu insisted, bouncing up from the floor as if he were a little kid, which he pretty much was in the mental age department.
"Why? Don't you have things to do, with you being a "superstar" and all?" Lucy inquired wearily, peeling her tired eyes open to glance at him. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't actually seen him doing anything that a celebrity would usually do like go to studios or to signings. He just visited her a lot but never rushed off to be somewhere. Didn't he have a schedule to keep to?

"Not really. We just got back from a tour recently so we're getting a break for a while. Anyway, let's go. I want to go to the carnival." Natsu begged, tugging at her pink pyjama bottoms with big pouty eyes. Kids that she taught on a daily basis were more mature than he was. Lucy gave a sigh of defeat, knowing that no matter what she said he wouldn't listen and keep begging her to go.
"Fine, I'll go with you." Lucy grumbled reluctantly.

"Yay!" Natsu cheered happily, bounding up from the floor with a bright toothy smile. Lucy hastily rose from her bed and grabbed his ear, causing the previously bouncing bunny to whimper and protest, before dragging him out of her bedroom, through her living room and to her front door.
"You can wait outside while I get ready." Lucy said harshly as she unlocked her door and opened it, the light from the warm afternoon pouring in.
"But Lucy, it might be cold outside." Natsu protested before she pushed him out onto the street outside her house.
"Natsu. It's spring. I highly doubt it'll be cold outside. Besides, I'll only be a few minutes. So just wait here." Lucy replied before she closed the door on him, locking it behind her so he couldn't get back in.

You could just ditch him, you know? Maybe go back to sleep or something? No, that'd just be mean. Besides, he's bound to get bored of me at some point, right? Lucy returned to the privacy of her bedroom and began to get ready for the day. She pulled on a white vest, a beige skirt, a fluffy blue cardigan and black thigh high socks. After she had brushed her bedridden hair into a side ponytail, she closed the window Natsu had burst in through before slipping her feet into a pair of sneakers, flinging her bag over her shoulder and going out the door. After she had locked up her house, she turned to find Natsu hanging upside down from a tree near her house.

"What took you so long?" Natsu asked, his question muffled by his white scarf that covered most of his face due to gravity.
"I didn't take that long. Come on, let's just get there before I change my mind." Lucy insisted as she kept her eyes on the man hanging from the tree. In one swift action Natsu let himself fall from tree, landed somewhat gracefully on his feet and turned to smile at Lucy.
"Great! Let's get going!"

After much debating, they got the bus to the carnival instead of Natsu calling for a limo. It was only a ten minute bus drive from the closest bus stop to the carnival which was aparantly near the train station, according to Natsu. Natsu decided that he'd pass the time by asking her loads of questions, questiond like what her favourite colour was and if she had ever travelled abroad, and eventually Lucy began to join in asking questions. She had asked why he was popular to which he had smiled and said,
"How about I show you sometime?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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