Finding Middle Ground

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Lucy let out a long exasperated sigh once back in her empty classroom. Thank God . I thought for sure I was going to get into some trouble. The head master of the school, Mr Dreyar, had called her in to ask about the drama at lunch with Natsu. Once Lucy explained the situation to him, Mr Dreyar told her to take the rest of the day off as pupils would probably pester her for pictures and information about Natsu. She was so thankful this school had an understanding head teacher like Mr Dreyar. Once she had packed up all her work and sorted through the piles of work that she would mark at home, she left the classroom and began her journey home. However, her less stressful walk home was rained upon as a heavy downpour consumed the city.

Once Lucy had ran all the way home and was in her nice warm apartment, she went straight for her bathtub so she could wash away all the stresses of the day. As she clambered into the tub full of water, she could feel her aching body relax as the water flowed all over her body and began sinking into her pale skin. If there was something Lucy loved more than a good book, it was a warm bath. After she had soaked for over half an hour, she climbed out of the bath and wrapped a towel around her body. As she opened the door that lead to the rest of her apartment, a shrill scream ripped from her lips as she grabbed the closest object, a book, and prepared to attack.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" Lucy demanded as she saw Natsu lying sloppily on her sofa.
"I came because I still haven't made it up to you yet for yesterday." Natsu said simply, turning his head towards her, a much more serious expression on his face instead of his childish smirk.
"And that meant you could just trespass into my house? I should call the cops on you and get you sent to prison!" Lucy protested, clutching her right hand by her chest to keep her towel in place.
"Come on Loopy, no need to make careless threats." Natsu tutted and shook his head.
"The name's Lucy! And I can do what I like in MY house!" Lucy snapped.
"Well, can't you at least let me try to make it up to you? You're not going to get rid of me any faster by threatening me." Natsu insisted. Lucy fell quiet for a moment. He did prove a point. Lucy let out a sigh before looking back at him, a stern frown on her lips as her eyes burned with frustration.

"Fine. But you need to promise that once you have done so, you will leave me alone. Deal?" Lucy said, her intense glare unwavering. Natsu smiled childishly, sitting up and folding his legs into a basket.
"Alright. It's a deal."Don't worry Lucy, this is the first step forward to getting rid of this idiot.
"So, how do plan to make up for yesterday?" Lucy asked. And today while we're at it?
"Well... I'm not actually sure. I thought that we could start over and be friends or something." Natsu replied scratching the back of his neck. Did he not hear the part of leaving me alone?
"And why would I want that?" Lucy questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Well, you look like the type of person who doesn't have friends or is super lonely." Natsu replied bluntly.
"Pardon me but I do have friends! And they are very good friends might I add!" Lucy barked at him.
"Well, you seem nice and I like you. So why wouldn't I want to be your friend?" Natsu asked, a bright smile on his face. Hearing those words made her chest flutter slightly as she felt her heart race slightly.

"Well, I suppose we could start over..." Lucy mumbled, dropping her gaze from the intruder to her floor. Her eyes darted towards Natsu as he stood from her sofa and stretched out his back.
"Great," Natsu replied before he stood in front of Lucy, his hand outstretched.
"The name's Natsu. Nice to meet ya." Natsu said. Lucy glanced from his hand up to his onyx eyes. She cautiously took his hand and shook it lightly.
"Lucy." Lucy watched as the bright toothy smile Natsu usually wore returned.
"I'm sure we'll be the best of friends." Natsu replied as they shook hands. They're hands stayed clasped together even after they had made their peace, making Lucy realise how much bigger his tanned hand was compared to her small pale one. His hand was so warm. Lucy blushed slightly at her thoughts before snatching her hand back and turned her back to Natsu.

"Now that we've started over again, would you kindly leave as I need to get changed?" Lucy said as she adjusted the towel around her body.
"Why? Shouldn't we get to know each other?" Natsu asked.
"We can do that another day. For the moment, I am very busy so it would be best if you left." Lucy replied as she retreated to her room at the end of the hall.
"But Lu-" Natsu's whine was cut off by the door shutting as Lucy evacuated into the safety of her room. She let out a sigh before she searched through her wardrobe for clothes. I was hoping to get rid of him. But it looks like that won't happen. Maybe I could move to some far away city. Or move country all together. Lucy stopped to ponder the thought for a moment before she let out a pessimistic groan.
"If only I had that kind of money." Lucy muttered to herself, releasing her grip on her towel to let it fall to the floor.

Once she had thrown on a black tank top and some grey joggy bottoms, she left her bedroom, still trying to dry her thick blonde locks, to a quiet empty living room. Lucy had expected that nut-job to stick around and pester her some more, but with her living room suddenly so silent, she kind of wished he stayed for a while. She felt a slight breeze nip at the skin on her bare arms and turned her attention to her open window. That numbskull actually climbed up my house and in my window? God, he must be an alien. Lucy sighed to herself before she loses the window and slumped down on her couch. With her long dramatic day mostly over, Lucy let out a sigh of relief. The only stressful she had to do now was mark her students work. God, kids these days think they've got it rough. Lucy inwardly moaned as she looked at the small stack of papers on her desk to be marked. Well, better get them done now. Lucy pushed herself off of the sofa sat at her desk, picking up her red pen as she prepared to mark the work. However, something was on top of the papers that caught Lucy's attention it was a yellow post-it note with writing scribbled on it. 'Yo Luce, here's my number. Btw let's meet up tomorrow, Kay! Natsu' down the bottom of the note was a phone number. Lucy didn't know why, but for some reason Lucy felt as if things might actually start to get a bit more interesting with Natsu around.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took forever to get out (major technology problems). Anyway, with all the hype about the new fairy tail movie coming out, I finally managed to get this done~! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I shall see you in the next chapter!

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