Tea and Water

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Tord stood by the office wearing a denim jacket and a beanie, getting weird looks from Rhys and Patryk, "Are you going somewhere Sir?" Tord nodded smiling, Patryk motioned for Rhys to leave which he did. "So where are you going Tord?". "Im taking Tomas out" Tord grinned confidently. 

Patryk's face lit up "Tomas?" Tord nodded. Patryk smirked "Me and Paul thought you had a thing for him". Tord went a little pink "hey im still your leader" he put his hands on his hips.

Tom's POV

I did as told and.... what the fuck? Tord is posed like a stroppy teen, Patryk seems smug. Tord seems to have noticed me, hah he looks embarrassed. Both turned their head noticing me approach. Patryk left winking at Tord... what...

"Come on Tomas" Tord said leaving the building and walking to a red car, man he still had that old car hah classic Norski. Tord opened the passenger door for Tom and got in the drivers side. "Sir may I ask what is going on?" Tom asked. "Uh uh, its a surprise and don't call me sir in public it'll rouse suspicions". "Okay what should I call you?". "Erhmmm.... Todd".

Tom giggled and Tord gave him a look "What?". "Oh nothing".

Tord's Pov

That smile that laugh, so cute. Come on Tord concentrate on the road! He looked surprised when I parked next to a coffee shop.

Tom's voids widened and he looked at Tord,he seemed so happy Tom was confused. "Come on Tomas I don't like waiting" Tord exited the car and opened Tom's door. They entered the shop, it was small and cozy, fairy lights strung up and tubs of biscuits on the counter. Tord told Tom to grab a seat so he did,he got a small table by a large window with two armchairs facing one another.

Tord came and sat down giving Tom a chocolate muffin, "Oh thank you sir" Tom smiled, he was a little creeped out, chocolate was his favorite. Tord smiled, a waitress came over and asked their orders,she wrote down Tord's then turned to Tom, her jaw dropped and she rested her elbow on the table "and what would you like?". The waitress winked at Tom.

"Uhh just a tea please..." Tom said nervously. "Sure you don't want me?~" she chuckled at her own joke, Tom gave an obviously forced laugh. Tord (triggered) scoffed "Im sure he'd like something worth having". The woman glared at Tord with fire in her pupils.

Tom really did hold back a laugh from Tord's statement. The woman fake barfed looking at Tord's face "Don't know why a cutie would hangout with a defaced shit head like you" The waitress walked away flipping her hair and wiggling her hips.

Tom looked at Tord. His fist was on the table, his eyes shut ,teeth gritted and he was shaking.Tom panicked, he didn't want Tord to cause any trouble. Tom put his hand on Tord's "Hey don't listen to her, I happen to think you look really handsome". Tom and Tord's faces reddened.

They were interrupted by the same waitress sitting on the table and putting their drinks down with her back to Tord. "So what's your name hun?" The waitress batted her eyelashes at Tom. "T-Tomas" he said awkwardly "Well you can call me pretty" she chuckled, Tord noticed her hand searching for something.

The waitress knocked the water Tord had ordered over his right arm, sending an electric shock through his body and the arm shorting out. Tord clenched his lifeless arm "FAEN! DET GJOR VONDT!"Tord turned to the woman who looked genuinely surprised.

"I-Im so sorry sir I didn't realize it was a prosthetic!". Tord stood up. "Jeg kommer til å rive halsen din ut tispe!". Every patron turned to look at the yelling Tord. Tom panicked, if this continued someone will recognize him and call the police, Tom stood up and tugged at Tord's good arm holding him back from advancing on the waitress. "You bitch" Tord pulled away from Tom knocking down his hood, the waitress' face went white.

Her eyes darted to the side then back at Tord. "Someone call the police its Tord Larson!!!".Tord stopped in his tracks all eyes stared at him, Tom panicked. "Tord?!" that voice was familiar, Edd? Tom didn't even need to turn to know. The waitress threw an entire jug of water at Tord, his arm sparking the pain making him fall to the ground.

Tom had two choices, help his rekindled friendship and leader or run to Edd.... He made his choice. He pulled off Tord's arm as it was still shocking Tord. Tom picked the passed out Norwegian bridal style and ran out. Tord was smaller that Tom and for this Tom was grateful.

Tom ditched the car, no one knew who's it was, Tord could get it back later. Tom ran as fast as he could "TORD!" he heard Edd yell "Todd?!". He turned around briefly, the waitress, Edd, Matt and two armed officers yelling at him to surrender.

Tom ran down an alley, then another and another. His mind was racing, was this the right choice. Maybe? Hell he didn't know he rushed through the door of the base, Rhys fell off his chair and Paul and Patryk ran over to him. "Holy shit what happened Tomas?!" Paul said quickly before Patryk could. 

"Its a long story, a waitress recognized him and used water to short out his arm, it was too heavy to carry. I ran us back here". Patryk nodded and took the army leader from Tom and walked off. "I-Is he going to be okay?" Tom asked. Paul frowned "Yeah im sure he'll be fine, he wont have a right arm for a while though". Tom nodded. Rhys looked concerned "What the hell actually happened dude?". Paul sat down nodding in agreement.

Tom told the story, leaving out the parts between him and Tord and Edd and Matt. "Hmm, I have Tord's spare keys, he gave them to Pat buuuut... Patryk hasn't looked for the in a while soooo" Paul twiddled his thumbs. "Red Leaders gonna be pissed Paul" Rhys replied. "Whatever" Paul groaned "Tom" Tom jumped skitishly. "Oh sorry, do you not like abbreviations?" Tom shook his head. 

"alright lets go get the car" Paul sighed tossing Tom a black hoodie, Tom took it confused, "they most likely saw you too". Tom nodded putting the hoodie on and pulling the hood up. Jaime snapped his fingers "So that's why red leader does that!" Paul and Tom gave him the same disappointed look and left off in the direction of the coffee shop.

There were police everywhere inside and outside the building. Paul thought for a second "Okay act naturally and if it goes to hell book it" Paul walked off. "Helpful" Tom remarked following him. Paul opened the car and told Tom to get into the back so he did. 

Paul was about to get into the drivers seat when a Police man stopped him. "Excuse me sir how do you have keys to this vehicle?" "Its my friends he left it here, he's drunk currently so im here to pick it up". "This car belongs to wanted Tord Larson" Paul started to sweat and jumped into the car and drove off.

The police followed in their cars, an hour went by. Paul started to panic "Tom! Listen to me!" Tom jumped and nodded. "Hide yourself, take the keys this wont stop until they get me, get back to base don't worry about me just get there safe!" Tom was about to argue but was hit in the face with keys and the sudden stop of the car.

Tom hid, Paul stepped out guns pulled on him. Handcuffs were set and the police drove off. Leaving Tom with his thoughts and a car. Tom took a few minutes to calm himself down, he drove to the base. Paul was gone, what was he gonna tell Pat and Tord? He thought Paul was awesome! He was funny and a good friend.

he walked in, a dazed and slightly beat up Tord and a distressed looking Patryk awaiting him. Patryk looked scared "Where's Paul?"...


Okay wow 1283 words. So I uh made another book :3 I'm sorry okay! Its about on the run!Tom and Tord. Its called 'On the run and go'. I'd really appreciate if you could check out my other books too! I try to update at least one book at least once a day.

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