A Job Too Do

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Tom shut the door and leaned against it giving a sigh of relief. However his relaxation was interrupted by Patryk walking around the corner,"Hey Tomas, did you get any orders?". "Yeah, If you wouldn't mind I-I need some help". Patryk smiled.

"I kinda need directions to the guards office". "Oh okay follow me". Patryk walked away with Tom following him closely. He took note of the multilingual signs. Now that it was daytime the halls had many more soldiers either patrolling or making their way to their assigned jobs.

Tom bumped into the back of Patryk, "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going". "Its okay, here. See you" Patryk walked away.

Tom looked at the office, there sat the man who had run into him earlier talking with a smaller man, to Tom's delight the stranger was even shorter than him, around Tord's height. Tom cleared his throat grabbing Rhys' attention. 

Rhys turned away from the stranger and looked at Tom, "Jeez how did that happen dude?". It took Tom a moment to realize that he was talking about his cheek. "Oh uh just an accident", the stranger frowned and looked at Rhys.

"I created a file for you Tomas, you have to come and fill in the details though" "Ok". Tom went and sat at the computer writing some true, some fake information.

 Tom went and sat at the computer writing some true, some fake information

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I have to thank you all for the votes and comments,im so happy I might cry! Thank you all!

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