Its late

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The small creature shook his head as he woke, his vision still slightly blurry. The first thing his senses picked up was the unmistakable scent of bacon. He stood to full attention, he was still in the bag and in front of him lay the plate, he happily tucked in and only noticed the Norwegian in the room when he had finished. 

Tord was sitting in his wheelie chair, the sound of pen on paper filling the room. He placed the paper he was currently working on and put it aside. He put another down and stared intensely at it, the Norwegian put his hand over his eyepatch and sighed.

Tom walked on the somewhat fluffy carpet and made his way up the desk using the handles to pull himself up. Tom sat in front of the frustrated commie and tried to read over his work, letters from armies, responses. Tom was admittedly scared. There was a sudden thud and the sound of soft snoring.

Tord's fluffy horns surrounded Tom like a hand as he slept. Tom freed himself easily and checked the time, it was 2 AM.

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