
110 21 22

From dreams of the dead I wake to sun
for rain, so well soaked in, has done.
The thorn's in leaf of shining hue,
yet cool's the breeze which ruffles through;

tiny flies, just dots on wing
drift along, doing their thing;
elder is leafing, bramble's on cue,
apple buds push, pear's bursting too.

From small birds' tongues a rhythmic trill,
as paired they flit to the hedge. My thrill
to see them there, peer up at me here,
a quiet giant, cocking an ear.

I rest on surrounds which roar and ring:
It is Spring. Yes, Attis*. It is spring


*I realise it was the equinox yesterday and America started spring then. March 21st is the traditional date.
*Attis in one of his roles is a vegetation god.

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